Saturday, November 1, 2014

{Twin Moments That Melt Your Heart}

 I am sitting on the couch relaxing WITH kiddos around-I know crazy! Right?! Caroline helped daddy with making me a yummy cup of coffee, I just put a few loads of laundry away, our bellies are filled, grocery shopping done, and house is clean. I don't do all of those things alone. I am fortunate to be married to an awesome guy who always pitches in.

It definitely takes two when going to the Drs office for a well check-up. Landen and Caroline can be a handful with the anticipation of the shots. Today it began as soon as they were to stand on the big kid scale to get weighed and measured. Landen was okay after he saw it has some fun attachments to look at...but not still enough to get his heigh measurement. Caroline threw an absolute fit. We even tried the baby scale thinking she would sit...nope. Wasn't going to happen.

Now this was supposed to be an easy trip for all.   Since Caroline was being a challenge the nurse said to I could get on the scale and then I could hold Caroline-Seriously?! as much as I love getting on the scale at my own dr. appointments I have to get on at theirs now! Next time I'll be 'picking' Landen to take care of at the Drs. 

That is one thing Aaron and I do as parents of twins.  We have always just 'picked' a twin to watch out for or take care of when we're out and about. It just keeps us from ever having the ' I thought you had her/him!!' Yea, I don't want to experience that anymore then we need to. They are FAST at two. Man those short legs can move quick! 

Today one of THE best 'twin moments' happened. Aaron always takes Landen with him to the grocery store and I hang out with Caroline-it's awesome we cuddle,paint nails, and watch her favorite shows.
Landen came in the door with a small bag of groceries and after taking his shoes off and putting them away, Caroline walked up to him and said, "Landen home!!" They gave each other a hug and I was butter on the floor. But after hugging it got better. Caroline asked for a high-five followed by a fist bump and then Landen gave her a big kiss. It was freakin' adorable! 

I love those big moments and all the small. Hearing 'please' and 'thank you' makes me proud. Hearing 'I help you Mommy!' 'I share with you' and 'Landen here's a sticker for you (from the Drs office today)'Makes my heart warm. But the love they share for one another shows me the bond they have that is so special between twins. Since I've never had twins before, these moments are SO cool to observe and experience. 

Here is us in this moment of life.....we're happy!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to turn your clocks back! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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