Saturday, November 15, 2014

{JOIN ME:Winter Workout!}

It's time. Time to figure out what in the heck I'm going to do about these cold temps!  So I'm sure you read the photo to the right...I totally agree, but the photo on the bottom left...forget it! I am that person who is waiting around for perfect temps when it comes to running. Yes, I'll run in the heat, but running in the cold is killer on someone who has a hard time keeping her toes warm with layers of socks on in a warm boot. Yes, if I get desperate or too coped up, I will venture out on a "nice" winter day, but otherwise, forget it....more power too the runners who enjoy running on wet, slick, pavement with freezing cold ear drums.  This girl is just not doing it.  But this girl DOES have to do SOMETHING

I don't know about you, but the transition from summer/fall activities and sports to winter is hard.  I prefer to hit the pavement and run for my exercise. It's also just so much easier to get in the extra steps because we're out and about a lot more. 

The biggest challenge for me right now is the lack of light-tell me I'm not the only one!  I have the hardest time with the time change. It's dark by six now which makes me want to go to bed let alone run.  I also hate running in the cold. I hate how my ear drums feel frozen and on top of that I always have to take the kids with me. So if it's too cold for them to ride, my wishful run doesn't happen. With the change in weather and the holidays around the corner, I've got to figure out a new routine!

I'm not a 'New Year Resolution' person-AT ALL. However, I'm always up for challenging myself in different ways throughout the year in order to stay a fit and healthy mommy-I refuse to miss out on fun things with my kids! So here is my latest personal challenge: from today until January 5th, I will be MAKING the time to exercise indoors, for a minimum of twenty minutes (I've gotta be realistic with being a working Mommy!),  four times a week. 
If any of you Mommas would like to join me, I would love it! If you have a Fitbit, look me up (Click here to join me!) and we can encourage each other! 

For me, It's all about making a PLAN to make exercise HAPPEN in my life. I'm sure you working Moms can understand all the logistics that go into your day and week.  It's so easy to forget to pencil in that ME time!  For the upcoming week, I'm looking at the days I have meetings before and after work. I'm planning on getting up even earlier to get something in so I can start the week off right-even if it's only twenty minutes. Having in place the routine of packing lunches and such on Sunday will be helpful for making those early mornings easier.  I'll be using the the calendar that is labeled WINTER CHALLENGE to the right of this blog to help me pick my days for working out.  

So that's where I'm starting. I hope you will join me in fighting those WINTER BLUES. Let's stay in shape so when that warm weather comes back, we're ready to hit the pavement! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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