Thursday, November 6, 2014

{Conference Eve}

Tonight as I drove home from parent-teacher conferences I was reflecting on how the experience is different from when I wasn't a parent myself. I have to say my thinking and approach towards conferences has certainly shifted with my new parent perspective. Certainly in a positive way. Tomorrow I will enter into Landen and Caroline's preschool conference with Aaron and we will be on the other side of the table for the first time hearing about our children from their teachers. I am nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time. 

I think I have mentioned it before but Landen does not speak as well as Caroline. Granted they are 2 1/2 years old and he is a boy the teacher in me says he needs more time to develop but the parent in me is freaking out. We asked the pediatrician last weekend about his speech/Language and of course all he did was scream so her comment was developmentally he's okay at this point based on some questions she had asked. 

Trying not to be a helicopter mom but also being proactive I asked my friend to listen to Landen when she has a chance. Knowing she is an expert and trusting the Dr.s, you would think I would feel taken care of and that I could relax a little bit...but that's not happening.  It's funny when your 'parent hat' is on, your emotions and your reactions are totally different (even when you are a teacher by profession!) and I'm thankful that I have the teacher inside of me calm me down-although that is hard to do sometimes. 

As a parent I just want Landen and Caroline to love, learn, play, grow, and make friends. What hat do you wear that is difficult for you?  I have to say I'm still VERY green at parenting and I certainly am feeling it on the eve of our  first parent-teacher conference. I can't wait to let you know how it goes tomorrow night. 

Keep a Calm and Mommy On! 


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