Monday, November 10, 2014

{Picture Day}

As a parent do you worry about your child's school picture? For some strange reason, picture day is stressing me out. What do I put them in? Will they stay clean? I've been chasing Landen around with Chapstick and Vaseline trying to keep his lips from being chapped. And do you know what he did tonight on the eve of picture day ? He decided to head butt Aaron. Ugh! Seriously, all we need is a goose egg too! 

I got to the point where I went to the office today and found out what time life touch is setting up so I can swing in before school starts and ask if we can take their pictures before school. Talk about being a micromanager! In all honesty part of me is just trying to take the weight off their teachers and the other part of me is doing it for myself-it's a chunk of change for these pictures! Okay, I can see your eye rolls and hear your sighs....I'll just stop. I mean what's the worse that could happen?

It's time for this Momma to relax, watch some good TV and have a glass of vino! 


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