Tuesday, November 11, 2014

{What a Beautiful Mess}

After hurrying through my bedtime routine so I could slide into my warm bed, I was stopped by a small collection of toys that were lying on my side of the bed. I paused. Then began picking them up. I couldn't help but think back a couple hours to Landen sitting in the bed all wrapped up in his fluffy white towel, smiling and saying, 'Alfie!'  All I could do was smile. 

Having a clean, or in my case picked-up, house often makes me feel like I 'have it together.' But on nights like last night I couldn't help but enjoy the traces of my children. I'm guilty of always picking up after them and sometime huffing and puffing that their toys have managed to migrate into our bedroom. But not last night. It was a moment in time where I was actually able to appreciate and love a mess left behind by my sweet children.

I'm thankful for the quiet moments of peace that allow for me as a Mom to reflect on how wonderful my world is with them now in it. How before they were thought of I didn't get to see their smiling faces or giggles. I never heard 'Momma' called out. Now, I can't imagine a day without those things-including a beautiful mess. 

I hope you fellow Mommies are able to find, every now and then, a moment to enjoy such a simple thing.  Have a wonderful day as you Mommy On! 


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