Tuesday, November 25, 2014

{Glitter Moments}

 Since becoming a mom I feel like I have become a more relaxed, let it roll off my shoulder kind of person. Now that's not to say my type A personality does not still exist. Some people would probably say I'm still not relaxed at all.  I've said this before, but my children have made me really see the importance in every day life and to 'not sweat the small stuff.' Landen and Caroline have especially made me appreciate, what I will now call, "glitter moments."

With today being the day before Thanksgiving break at school, we were having a little extra fun. The children were playing in centers and one child asked for glitter so I brought in a jar along with some glitter glue. I gave it to thechildren in art and noticed the rest of the children in the classroom were content and having a good time.  About fifteen minutes later, when I asked the children to clean up I noticed the Art center was especially shiny. From table top to the floor, stretching all the way to the bathroom and on the carpet, there was a glittery 'mess.' It was even up the leg of my boots at lunch time. The children were proud of their works of art and laid them on the counter to dry. There were swirls, names written, and even a little house that was drawn with glue and all covered with glitter. 

Before having children I would not have appreciated this glittery moment as much as I do now. With my Mom eyes on I saw todays situation completely different.  I was happy for the children who made the glittery mess,  they obviously had fun, were creative, shared-I mean come on it was only one jar of glitter!, were independently working, and they were taking pride in their work.  So there was glitter caked around the foot of the table-it can be swept up! So what it's all over the carpet-it looked like children truly existed in the classroom and were having fun! Looking at our new shiny classroom, all I could do was smile.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I have to say I'm so thankful for not only my job and my students, but I am also thankful that I can appreciate moments like today's. I mean isn't everything better with a little glitter on it? 

What type of 'glitter moments' have you had recently? Are you moving to fast and need to slow down to look for them or do you find yourself sitting back and taking them in. I challenge you to just throw your hands up at the next mess or crazy situation and just take a deep breathe and  laugh. I assure you there will a little bit of joy that comes out of it. 


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