Saturday, November 22, 2014

{Parenting: Manners}

Hello Weekend! I don't know about you, but I needed a break. This week has been busy and I have to be honest with you all, I've been going to bed when the kids went at 7:30-yikes! Which is why there hasn't been many posts this week. Sometimes us Mom's just have to take a break and reboot to keep going! It's nap time in our house which means a coffee break for me! 

This past summer, I had ONE goal.  If nothing else got done, my children were going to begin learning their manners.  To my surprise, Landen and Caroline quickly picked up on saying "please" and "thank you." Yes, they didn't always know when to use them, but after a good six months of now practicing in our daily lives, we hear the pleases and thank yous all the time.

I do have the give the occasional "p-" reminder or say, "what's the magic word." But for two-years-old,  I have to say I'm pretty darn happy!  And the sweetest thing to hear is, "Thank you Mommy/Daddy" in that ever so gentle voice. It's music to this Mommy's ear!

Manners for me does not end at just please and thank you. I feel like manners encompasses more. I want my children to act polite. Yes sharing is still a lesson in the works, but I want them to use a kind tone of voice, pick up after themselves, and say sorry when they've hurt someone-and MEAN IT! Personally, I feel if I can raise children who are polite and kind hearted, they will have everything they need to go far in life.

 This afternoon, I was on  I came across a little "parenting quiz" and decided to take it-why not right? Here is what I got:

"Optimizer: You're doing an amazing balancing act. Sure, you read the parenting guides, but you remain calm if you notice your baby starts teething (or crawling or talking) a few weeks later than the book says he should. You seek input from your mommy friends, your pediatrician, and your own mother, but you generally trust yourself to make good decisions. And although you aim to keep a schedule, you know missed naps and blown bedtimes happen. In short, you begin every day with a good plan and even better intentions, and when life gets in the way, you do whatever it takes to make the best of it. Brava, mama!"

I think this quiz hit the nail on the head with me. I'd love to do things a particular way all the time, but that is just too much for me and my kids sometimes. I certainly don't claim to be a know-it-all Mommy either.  I rather just ask a mommy expert or Dr.- Why should I waste my time trying to sift through millions of webpages?  How old is your child(ren)? What is your "thing" that you expect out of them. Do you expect them to sit at the table a particular amount of time? Do you make them do chores or pick up?  You may enjoy the  Parenting Style Quiz from  to see what type of parent you are.

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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