Saturday, November 8, 2014

{Mommy Confessions:Target}

Yesterday Aaron, my husband, calls as soon as I step foot into target. When he asked where I was he replied with an, "uh oh..." I knew what he was thinking. I too know that when I enter into that big box store I have no self control. I can't make it out of the dollar spot, which oddly is now a three dollar spot-aggravating and not worth three dollars! , without putting most of it in my cart.

After making rounds and rounds and rounds through the dollar spot, I made it out to get what I went there for...a wedding gift. So I went to the registry area got the list and then made the mistake of taking the long way to housewares. I found pjs with Santa and cute little trees for tree hunting day to give to the kids then made my way to toys  and bedding for Landen and Caroline. I've been wanting to redo their besets for Christmas -you know freshen them up! 

So then Christmas shopping started Mommy's have to know that feeling when you actually have time to yourself to think and enjoy a shopping trip! It's amazing!! My mom had just put the twins down and told me to , "take my time!"  I was in heaven!  After finding fun new things for Christmas for the kids, I finally went to get what I came there for. That was an easy find but on my way out I found myself stopping again! So the next pit stop was Thanksgiving...I did need some things for our big Thanksgiving get together- and what cute finds! 

What do they put in the air at target? They certainly know how get me to shop for more than what I came for. Have you heard people say, " I never get out of Target without without spending $200.00"  Well I can relate. Now on the up side of all this impulsive spending, I did get what we needed for Turkey Day and also got the kids shopping done for Christmas-oh yea and the wedding present I went there for!  And not to tempt you Target shoppers, the dollar spot has some awesome things right now! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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