Monday, November 17, 2014

{Being Thankful...and Not Just "Saying" It}

On February 13th, 2012 I went into my 24 week check-up around 4:00 in the afternoon after a full day of teaching kindergarten. I was excited to see how much my tummy had grown and I had a laundry list of questions to ask the doctor.  Shortly after the doctor came in, she asked if I was feeling contractions.  I said, " no," and she said you've got to go straight to the hospital.  Being naive, sometimes that's a blessing, I said to her, "well, I have a lot of questions to ask you." She told me they could be answered later and that I really needed to go.  

I had NO idea what all was about to happen. I did NOT even realize how serious things were-thank God, because I probably would have never made it to the hospital.  I jumped in my car, turned on my nav, because I had not ever once been to Good Sam, and called Aaron.  We had no idea what to expect. I was thrown on liquids and Magnesium that thankfully saved our babies after a three and a half month stay at the hospital.  I went to Labor and delivery around 28 weeks, but again, doctors and nurses were able to somehow calm my body until 35 weeks. 

Before Landen and Caroline, I would say I appreciated things. I also expected a lot of things too. I worked hard to get to where I was going and kinda just expected everything would fall into place.  Getting pregnant was not easy for us. These babies meant (and now mean) the world to us. Our struggle made us fighters for when we were in the hospital and now have made us understand what it truly means to be THANKFUL.  

I hate that it takes tragedy, struggle, and loss to put our life in perspective.  I treasure more and reflect more now after having gone through our experience with the twins. I hope, as Landen and Caroline grow up, I can show and teach them what being thankful is all about. 

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly. It's so easy to sit down at the Thanksgiving table and rattle off how we are thankful for "things, " health, and family-I'm not pointing fingers, I'm guilty of it too!  Have you stopped and really reflected on what you are truly thankful for? This Thanksgiving, head to the table with something you are truly thankful for-instead of just saying what we think we should .  I think our Thanksgiving will mean a lot more to us! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On


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