Tuesday, November 18, 2014

{Twice As Nice-Not Always}

Two-for-one,twice as nice, BOGO-this is always a  great deal right? Free coffee, free shoes, shirt, donut -what have you.  When we were first pregnant, we heard a lot of that. "A two-for one-deal!" "Wow, now that's efficient!" "Twice is nice!" 

Twice is NOT always nice. Yes, delivering two within twenty minutes was convenient and you could say cost effective too,  and yes  we are going through the stages of child development all at once- that's nice. But then you have the buying of clothes times two and often times by three or even four with needing things at my parents house and at school. But even all of that is fine-I always find a good deal; sometimes a BOGO deal. 

Right now our family is having the "twice as nice" experience with pink eye.  Before preschool my kids rarely got sick..and I totally get that's all part of going to school. I wouldn't want or expect my kids to be in a bubble all of their life-I'm not crazy! My point is the two-for-one deal isn't always a wonderful thing (And now I've taken on the mindset of having it!).

So over the weekend, Landen came down with pink eye. Then today I showed up to my moms and Caroline had just woken up. I looked at her and knew right away she had it-the keen eye of a mother is a powerful tool! My mom, bless her heart, kept Landen at home decorating for Christmas while I trucked over to Mason for the last available appointment at 5:15 tonight-thank God! Sure enough Caroline has ' it'and the doc gave us a prescription for eye drops-yea that's already proven to be a jolly good time! 

What I though would be a relaxed evening turned into a very busy night-almost another full day.  We got home fed the dog-I had totally forgot about my poor pooch! Made dinner, gave the kids baths, and now it's 8:45. I'm sitting in my workout clothes in on the floor of the kids room in hopes of finding some energy to do a little extra tonight. But having just had dinner I think it may have to wait until tomorrow-I now have the day off thanks to the pink eye deal. 

I think I'm in the Mommy stage of mastering chaos.Are you? I used to get worked up, stressed out, and completely exhausted over missing work and impromptu visits to the doctors. But now things like today I expect. As Mothers we have to decide what to get worked up over and what not. Is it really that big of a deal I didn't get to squeeze in an extra workout tonight?-no I'll do it tomorrow as planned.  I'm missing work-yea that is far from ideal, but my pre-planning and super organization is paying off right now so the kids won't miss a beat-especially with my awesome TA. 

My point is, in the grand scheme of things, most of the headaches and problems us Moms experience are just that-annoyances that will come and go. We really have to make a conscious effort of whether or not the situation at hand is really wasting our precious Mommy energy on. Most of the time, it's just not. I hope you can look at the glass half full. If you don't, try to start seeing it that way and you may find that life gets a lot easier and more enjoyable! To a fun and crazy day! Cheers!


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