Tuesday, November 4, 2014

{THAT parent}

Let's be honest. I have struggled more the past two days with the time change than Caroline and Landen. I have fallen asleep on the couch exhausted around 7:30/8:00. This morning, I woke up on the couch at 5:15. I decided I might as well get up and make some coffee before heading upstairs to get ready. While I'm waiting on the coffee, I began getting the backpacks and lunch bags together in a tote. I looked around for their coats and they are no where to be found. In an instant I panicked and thought, "Oh my gosh I'm THAT parent!"

THAT parent who doesn't send a coat on a cold autumn day! Before I was a parent, I often times would be puzzled at the children who came in on cold winter days with no coat.  I would think,  " Didn't they watch the news?" Didn't they go outside?" Yea, well now I totally understand because when you are running around like a mad woman in the morning trying to load everything and everyone up you are so hot you start stripping! Let alone think about how cold it is out. 

In my panic I raced upstairs woke Aaron to tell him he left their coats at my moms and how I'm going to be THAT bad parent who sends their kids to school with no coat! I got in and out of the shower and on the road by 5:45 on my way to the 24hour Wal-Mart. I got in and out with two coats, four two packs of gloves, and four hats- my thought was, " this will NOT happen again!"  I got home by 6:20 in time to start dressing the both of them and to eat a little breakfast. By 6:45 we were back on the road and rolling.... Today wasn't all that bad weather wise-but had I NOT picked up those coats you better believe it would have been freezing cold!

Tonight I had a 'girls' night! It was awesome!  I have had friends say I'm an old soul caught in a young body. I've always made friends with people who are older than me- go figure. So tonight my Best Friend in Ohio ( BFIO) had me and four other ladies over for appetizers and dinner. It was lovely! Wine good food, good company in a warm and cozy home! You can't beat it! I have been lucky to have a  girls night two weeks in a row and its so refreshing and fun! It certainly is a nice way to end the day-especially when it was a little crazy in the morning! 

Cheers to good friends! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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