Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I learned today, in a class I was observing, that Veterans Day ( Armistice Day) was officially a holiday when WWI ended on 11-11 at 11:00.  This was a new fact to me-maybe one I had learned in high school and simply forgot. It was interesting to listen to the children talk about the holiday and discuss the meaning behind it. I was proud of the students and thankful for the reminder of why today is a special day. 

I'm not sure most of us will ever really be able to be grateful for our freedom. For most of us freedom is all we know and expect in life. It is easy to get caught up in our lives and the politics that surround us and forget how lucky we are to be in America. 

Yes there are plenty of political issues we could argue about, but that isn't what today is about. Again, it's not about us, it is about the special men and women that have and are currently serving our country. Thank you will never be enough. As I sit here in my safe-warm home putting my children to bed, I think of those who are living in turmoil and who are scared for their lives-their health and well being. 

I will likely never know what any of that feels like and it's because others have risked and sacrificed their lives long before I was even thought of. To those who are serving now and protecting my children and their futures, I feel indebted to you.  You all have enormous hearts and are well beyond ambitious and brave.  To those who are family members of those serving-you too deserve a great big thank you. I personally cannot imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. You too are special people. 

Thank you past and current veterans. My family is forever grateful. 


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