Friday, November 7, 2014

{First Parent Teacher Conference}

 Its so fun having 'first' moments with Aaron.  When Landen and Caroline were born we had a lot of firsts. First diaper change, first trip to the beach, first holidays, first steps and of course the big one-their first birthday! While there are lots of developmental firsts that are exciting past the age of one, It just doesn't compare to the whirlwind of firsts you experience in the beginning.  I have to say, days like today have become really sweet! 

Heading into work today I was mentally going through my work day. I was thinking about the conferences for the day reflecting once again on each child and what I wanted to convey to the parents. Then the phone rang-it was Aaron. We were chatting and then remembered we were meeting at noon for L and Cs conference. Aaron said, "shouldn't we have questions for her?"  Ah! I hadn't even prepped for our own kid's conferences. We quickly gathered a few thoughts and questions so we were prepared. 

Noon came around and Aaron and I walked up to Landen and Caroline's classroom. I was so excited! Moments like these I feel 110% like a new parent- really, who gets excited over conferences?! We had a great conference with Landen and Caroline's teacher. She's lovely and the classroom is lovely.  Both are what you dream of for your children's first experience of school.  The classroom has a colorful mural of Noah's Ark on the wall and is well stocked with various toys and manipulatives and the teacher herself has been busy creating a 'space' themed room complete with a rocket ship and solar system that is suspended from the ceiling. 

It's evident their teacher  has been working hard on her classroom so it's fun and engaging for the children-heck I'd love to hang out in there all day! We had suspected everything was going well overall and our feelings were confirmed-even Landen seems to be making progress with speaking more. They are having fun, enjoying their friends, and playing well. What more could parents ask for. It warms my heart and makes us both so happy. I'm glad I jumped at the chance to send them to preschool this year. 

As a parent, what are your hopes for your child(ren) at school? Do you have high expectations academically? Do you want your child to just be happy and successful in their own way? Do you wonder if they have friends? I can see where it's easy to want your child to be challenged and excell quickly in learning but I think as parents we need to help our children by keeping realistic expectations. Our children are growing up in a fast paced world and It is so easy for us to get caught up in it. I really want to protect Landen and Caroline's childhood. My hope is we is to a great first part of the year! I hope your children are all happy and well! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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