Wednesday, November 5, 2014

{I'm a WHAT?}

Thank you time change! It's 8:00 and the kiddos are tucked soundly into bed! My only problem is keeping myself up too! Now that it is dark around six, I too feel like I should be headed to bed. I then have the delima of do I go to bed or try and fight it and watch all my shows that I have on the DVR. I am SO behind on my shows because I've been falling asleep on the couch..I must say, I've felt very rested this week and our new couch is being broken in too!

If you read my previous blog {THAT Parent}, you'll know I've been gathering winter gear for the kiddos.  Tonight I made my stop by Once Upon to see if they had some snow pants and some good winter boots. I love trendy, but I'm not ready to spend 100 bucks on boots my kids may wear three times and out grow.  So I stopped in, found what was practically like new items and headed to the checkout. If you ever run into me at the store when I'm shopping for L and C watch out!  I am likely to be loaded down-tonight was no exception. When shopping I am usually making the most of the trip to the store (especially if I'm alone!) which means I  have to make sure that I got two sets of everything for each kid-thus avoiding a morning like yesterdays.

I got to check-out said hello to the lady checking me out and another young girl said, "I know you from somewhere."  I smiled politely and said, "You do?" She asked if I worked at a school and I ran the gamete of schools I've been at since college. Nothing rang a bell for her at the time. She insisted that she knew me though. I asked her name and don't you know we quickly connected the dots.  I actually was her teacher in the latchkey program at Fairfield and Aaron and I were neighbors to her aunt when we lived on the West Side (as in the West side of Cincinnati-the French Corridor to be exact).   My sister, Summer, had this young girls  other aunt  as her teacher in high school. Small world-Right?!

For the first time in my life I had that "moment" of meeting a beautiful girl that was once a little girl I cared for, gave snacks too, and played with.  I remember her vividly now and it is just the craziest feeling seeing her as a young adult.  I wonder what impression I left on her-I hope it was a good one.  I am also amazed that she recognized me-guess I haven't changed or aged too much over the past ten years.

 I think after today, I officially feel like an adult. I've been teaching for seven years, I have twin two-year-olds, and I drive a minivan....go figure it would take a five minute conversation with a young lady to make me finally realize I am in fact an adult. 

I'm not sure that I'm ready quiet yet to run into another past student, but I do have to say that running into her was a great reminder of the impression teachers leave on children's lives.  I think that is applicable in a Mommy way too. As mothers, we have the opportunity to really make a difference in our children's lives. It will take time to see the results of the love and care we give to them each and everyday, but I know the time and effort will be worth it in the end.

Here is to being amazing, caring, and loving Mommies!!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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