Thursday, November 27, 2014

Keep Calm and Mommy On: {"Stuff-ing"}

Keep Calm and Mommy On: {"Stuff-ing"}: Hello Mommas! Have you finished cleaning up your kitchen or finally have arrived home from visiting with family and friends?  I have t...


Hello Mommas! Have you finished cleaning up your kitchen or finally have arrived home from visiting with family and friends?  I have to say this Thanksgiving was wonderful.  Now I'm not like a lot of Moms. I am not a Black Friday shopper... AT. ALL.  I went one year with my mother-in-law and after that I vowed to never go again. I was so hot, the lines were long, and my legs hurt. I now shop online from the comfort of my own home. 

Going from stuffing to 'stuff' 
I find it kinda funny that we go from stuffing ourselves one day to stuffing carts full of things the next. I will avoid any store from now until about February. I go into hiding from all the busy stores with long lines. I probably spend less money out of our monthly budget during this season.  My biggest pet peeve is how grown adults act like children during this time of year-why even do Christmas if your just going to be grumpy and ruine everyone else's around you. It's just "STUFF!"  No I'm not going to give the lecture of the reason for the season, but really your going to get all ticked off that you can't find Elsa? Surely with today's technology you or a family member could buy it online ... so while I'll be off tree hunting tomorrow with family on Black Friday, just remember, Mommas who are already shopping or going to be shopping -it's just "stuff!" If you have to do it, do it with some cheer!  Oh-and wear some comfortable shoes! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

{Glitter Moments}

 Since becoming a mom I feel like I have become a more relaxed, let it roll off my shoulder kind of person. Now that's not to say my type A personality does not still exist. Some people would probably say I'm still not relaxed at all.  I've said this before, but my children have made me really see the importance in every day life and to 'not sweat the small stuff.' Landen and Caroline have especially made me appreciate, what I will now call, "glitter moments."

With today being the day before Thanksgiving break at school, we were having a little extra fun. The children were playing in centers and one child asked for glitter so I brought in a jar along with some glitter glue. I gave it to thechildren in art and noticed the rest of the children in the classroom were content and having a good time.  About fifteen minutes later, when I asked the children to clean up I noticed the Art center was especially shiny. From table top to the floor, stretching all the way to the bathroom and on the carpet, there was a glittery 'mess.' It was even up the leg of my boots at lunch time. The children were proud of their works of art and laid them on the counter to dry. There were swirls, names written, and even a little house that was drawn with glue and all covered with glitter. 

Before having children I would not have appreciated this glittery moment as much as I do now. With my Mom eyes on I saw todays situation completely different.  I was happy for the children who made the glittery mess,  they obviously had fun, were creative, shared-I mean come on it was only one jar of glitter!, were independently working, and they were taking pride in their work.  So there was glitter caked around the foot of the table-it can be swept up! So what it's all over the carpet-it looked like children truly existed in the classroom and were having fun! Looking at our new shiny classroom, all I could do was smile.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I have to say I'm so thankful for not only my job and my students, but I am also thankful that I can appreciate moments like today's. I mean isn't everything better with a little glitter on it? 

What type of 'glitter moments' have you had recently? Are you moving to fast and need to slow down to look for them or do you find yourself sitting back and taking them in. I challenge you to just throw your hands up at the next mess or crazy situation and just take a deep breathe and  laugh. I assure you there will a little bit of joy that comes out of it. 


Saturday, November 22, 2014

{Parenting: Manners}

Hello Weekend! I don't know about you, but I needed a break. This week has been busy and I have to be honest with you all, I've been going to bed when the kids went at 7:30-yikes! Which is why there hasn't been many posts this week. Sometimes us Mom's just have to take a break and reboot to keep going! It's nap time in our house which means a coffee break for me! 

This past summer, I had ONE goal.  If nothing else got done, my children were going to begin learning their manners.  To my surprise, Landen and Caroline quickly picked up on saying "please" and "thank you." Yes, they didn't always know when to use them, but after a good six months of now practicing in our daily lives, we hear the pleases and thank yous all the time.

I do have the give the occasional "p-" reminder or say, "what's the magic word." But for two-years-old,  I have to say I'm pretty darn happy!  And the sweetest thing to hear is, "Thank you Mommy/Daddy" in that ever so gentle voice. It's music to this Mommy's ear!

Manners for me does not end at just please and thank you. I feel like manners encompasses more. I want my children to act polite. Yes sharing is still a lesson in the works, but I want them to use a kind tone of voice, pick up after themselves, and say sorry when they've hurt someone-and MEAN IT! Personally, I feel if I can raise children who are polite and kind hearted, they will have everything they need to go far in life.

 This afternoon, I was on  I came across a little "parenting quiz" and decided to take it-why not right? Here is what I got:

"Optimizer: You're doing an amazing balancing act. Sure, you read the parenting guides, but you remain calm if you notice your baby starts teething (or crawling or talking) a few weeks later than the book says he should. You seek input from your mommy friends, your pediatrician, and your own mother, but you generally trust yourself to make good decisions. And although you aim to keep a schedule, you know missed naps and blown bedtimes happen. In short, you begin every day with a good plan and even better intentions, and when life gets in the way, you do whatever it takes to make the best of it. Brava, mama!"

I think this quiz hit the nail on the head with me. I'd love to do things a particular way all the time, but that is just too much for me and my kids sometimes. I certainly don't claim to be a know-it-all Mommy either.  I rather just ask a mommy expert or Dr.- Why should I waste my time trying to sift through millions of webpages?  How old is your child(ren)? What is your "thing" that you expect out of them. Do you expect them to sit at the table a particular amount of time? Do you make them do chores or pick up?  You may enjoy the  Parenting Style Quiz from  to see what type of parent you are.

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

{Night Off}

I've been debating wether or not to post tonight. Honestly I'm tired. Mostly emotionally, but also tired from a busy day and the anticipation of a big field trip tomorrow is weighing on me as well. A friend who is dear to our heart is having some major health struggles and I'm just not 'here' I'm mentally with him.... In the mean time..

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

{Twice As Nice-Not Always}

Two-for-one,twice as nice, BOGO-this is always a  great deal right? Free coffee, free shoes, shirt, donut -what have you.  When we were first pregnant, we heard a lot of that. "A two-for one-deal!" "Wow, now that's efficient!" "Twice is nice!" 

Monday, November 17, 2014

{Being Thankful...and Not Just "Saying" It}

On February 13th, 2012 I went into my 24 week check-up around 4:00 in the afternoon after a full day of teaching kindergarten. I was excited to see how much my tummy had grown and I had a laundry list of questions to ask the doctor.  Shortly after the doctor came in, she asked if I was feeling contractions.  I said, " no," and she said you've got to go straight to the hospital.  Being naive, sometimes that's a blessing, I said to her, "well, I have a lot of questions to ask you." She told me they could be answered later and that I really needed to go.  

I had NO idea what all was about to happen. I did NOT even realize how serious things were-thank God, because I probably would have never made it to the hospital.  I jumped in my car, turned on my nav, because I had not ever once been to Good Sam, and called Aaron.  We had no idea what to expect. I was thrown on liquids and Magnesium that thankfully saved our babies after a three and a half month stay at the hospital.  I went to Labor and delivery around 28 weeks, but again, doctors and nurses were able to somehow calm my body until 35 weeks. 

Before Landen and Caroline, I would say I appreciated things. I also expected a lot of things too. I worked hard to get to where I was going and kinda just expected everything would fall into place.  Getting pregnant was not easy for us. These babies meant (and now mean) the world to us. Our struggle made us fighters for when we were in the hospital and now have made us understand what it truly means to be THANKFUL.  

I hate that it takes tragedy, struggle, and loss to put our life in perspective.  I treasure more and reflect more now after having gone through our experience with the twins. I hope, as Landen and Caroline grow up, I can show and teach them what being thankful is all about. 

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly. It's so easy to sit down at the Thanksgiving table and rattle off how we are thankful for "things, " health, and family-I'm not pointing fingers, I'm guilty of it too!  Have you stopped and really reflected on what you are truly thankful for? This Thanksgiving, head to the table with something you are truly thankful for-instead of just saying what we think we should .  I think our Thanksgiving will mean a lot more to us! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On


Saturday, November 15, 2014

{JOIN ME:Winter Workout!}

It's time. Time to figure out what in the heck I'm going to do about these cold temps!  So I'm sure you read the photo to the right...I totally agree, but the photo on the bottom left...forget it! I am that person who is waiting around for perfect temps when it comes to running. Yes, I'll run in the heat, but running in the cold is killer on someone who has a hard time keeping her toes warm with layers of socks on in a warm boot. Yes, if I get desperate or too coped up, I will venture out on a "nice" winter day, but otherwise, forget it....more power too the runners who enjoy running on wet, slick, pavement with freezing cold ear drums.  This girl is just not doing it.  But this girl DOES have to do SOMETHING

I don't know about you, but the transition from summer/fall activities and sports to winter is hard.  I prefer to hit the pavement and run for my exercise. It's also just so much easier to get in the extra steps because we're out and about a lot more. 

The biggest challenge for me right now is the lack of light-tell me I'm not the only one!  I have the hardest time with the time change. It's dark by six now which makes me want to go to bed let alone run.  I also hate running in the cold. I hate how my ear drums feel frozen and on top of that I always have to take the kids with me. So if it's too cold for them to ride, my wishful run doesn't happen. With the change in weather and the holidays around the corner, I've got to figure out a new routine!

I'm not a 'New Year Resolution' person-AT ALL. However, I'm always up for challenging myself in different ways throughout the year in order to stay a fit and healthy mommy-I refuse to miss out on fun things with my kids! So here is my latest personal challenge: from today until January 5th, I will be MAKING the time to exercise indoors, for a minimum of twenty minutes (I've gotta be realistic with being a working Mommy!),  four times a week. 
If any of you Mommas would like to join me, I would love it! If you have a Fitbit, look me up (Click here to join me!) and we can encourage each other! 

For me, It's all about making a PLAN to make exercise HAPPEN in my life. I'm sure you working Moms can understand all the logistics that go into your day and week.  It's so easy to forget to pencil in that ME time!  For the upcoming week, I'm looking at the days I have meetings before and after work. I'm planning on getting up even earlier to get something in so I can start the week off right-even if it's only twenty minutes. Having in place the routine of packing lunches and such on Sunday will be helpful for making those early mornings easier.  I'll be using the the calendar that is labeled WINTER CHALLENGE to the right of this blog to help me pick my days for working out.  

So that's where I'm starting. I hope you will join me in fighting those WINTER BLUES. Let's stay in shape so when that warm weather comes back, we're ready to hit the pavement! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Guest Blogger: Lindsey Pollack

Good Evening Mommies! How was your day? I have to say it was a full day for us and with the change in weather; I’m ready to curl up by the fire and decompress! Before doing so, I just had to post the latest guest blogger: Lindsey Pollack. 

Lindsey and I met in college and became friends during our student teaching. After an awesome senior year and the birth of her son, Lindsey and her family moved back to Georgia (ugh-that was hard).  Before having children of our own, Aaron and I took many notes from Lindsey.  She helped us in so many ways preparing for the twins’ arrival and has always been available to give us sound advice- I could have written a book from it all!  She is an expert in her field-for sure!

I asked Lindsey to be a guest blogger because I feel like we hardly get to see inside the world of a stay-at-home mom.  Yes, I know she is busy doing laundry, grocery shopping, running errands and taking the kids from here-to-there, but I wanted to get a closer look at how a stay-at-home mom “runs” her household and makes time for herself when she could easily get caught up in her family.  I know there has to be SO much more to these stay-at-home mommies; I just had to ask one, “How do you do it?”

 Lindsey is not only a stay-at-home mom, but she also juggles the role of a single mom throughout the fall while her husband, Davey, travels with College GameDay. I know what it takes to run my household on a weekly basis with Aaron’s help; I can’t imagine what type of frenzy I would be in without him! But that’s not all. Lindsey is a down to earth mom who has found a love for fitness and has a passion for keeping her children healthy too. She has some wonderful tips on “how she does it,” fun holiday traditions that will get you in the spirit, and lots of motivation for Mommies who want to be their best version!   



KC&MO: Tell us about yourself and your family.

Lindsey: I'm a wife and mom of two.  Davey and I have been married for 9 years and we have Nicholas, age 6, and Leah, age 4.  I'm a stay-at-home mom who wears many hats other than just mom, just like a lot of ladies!

KC&MO: How do you cope when you become the single parent during football season? 

Lindsey: The first week or two is always difficult to get used to, and being on my own for 5 day stretches can be tiring, but we soon get into our groove and find a routine, and then it just becomes our way of life for football season.  I have family close by and neighbors if I'm ever in a bind and need help, but the kids are older and more independent, so not quite so much falls on me.  I will say, there is A LOT more planning ahead on my part when it is just me at the house.

KC&MO: What tips or tricks do you have for running your household during football season?

Lindsey:  I know I need to wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to get breakfast and backpacks going to get out the door on time.  We have our morning routine: eat, get dressed (including socks and shoes on), bag packed, and THEN you can play or do something before leaving for school.  We also lay out school clothes the night before so there is no trying to find something to wear or complaining about our clothes that morning!!

I try and plan out my errands at the beginning of the week to be most efficient with my time.  I tend to grocery shop from 4 or 5 different stores, dry cleaning, bank, etc… I try to plan out which days I will be in which areas and how I can knock them out in time to get back to carpool!  

We have sports at night, so I will make dinner early, put it in a to-go container, like the Ziploc plastic containers with 3 compartments and a lid, and if the kids aren't done eating before it's time to go, then into the car it goes so they can finish on the way or eat on the way home, but I don't like trying to feed them at 8:30 at night when we've just gotten back home.

KC&MO: With the holidays approaching, what fun family traditions do you have and look forward to?  How do you make them special? 

Lindsey: We always travel with Davey the week of Thanksgiving to wherever he is assigned because he always works a game on Thanksgiving Day, and we don't want to be without him.  This year we are headed to College Station, TX to visit Texas A&M, so that's always fun for all of us!

We ALWAYS put up Christmas decorations and outdoor lights before Thanksgiving! We go together and cut down the BIGGEST Christmas tree we can find!  I'm talking 14-16 feet!  We go to Stone Mountain Park and do their Christmas parade and train ride, Lake Lanier Islands Christmas Lights Tour and this year we are adding The Polar Express Train Ride on the Great Smoky Mountains Railway!  It's a surprise for the kids!

We have 3 family gatherings that we do every year with either side of the family, and the kids just love seeing their cousins.  We also will sponsor a couple of families in the "Secret Santa" project in our community and take the kids with us to shop for those families who would not otherwise have a Christmas.  As much as our family LOVES Christmas and all of its festivities (if you can't tell!), we also teach the true meaning of the gift of Jesus and Christ's love, and we are trying to teach it to our children through giving to others.


KC&MO: When you have time for yourself, what do you enjoy doing the most? 

Lindsey: Watching a good movie or reading a good book… and possibly working out at the same time! :)

KC&MO: What do you indulge in (not thinking just food-books, movies, pedicures, travel, shopping etc.)?

Lindsey: My favorite date night activity is going to the movies!  I love music and going to concerts!  And traveling has become a new favorite indulgence!

KC&MO: What are your mom must-haves?

Lindsey: Healthy snacks :)  Music (we are ALWAYS singing and dancing in our house and car!). Coffee (trust me; my kids want me to have this, too!)


KC&MO: What's your parenting approach on food for your kids?

Lindsey: Davey and I are very healthy conscious.  I guess you can say eating healthy and exercise are passions of ours.  It's pretty simple, if we wouldn't allow ourselves to eat it, we aren't' going to feed it to our kids.  Now, we allow our kids to have treats occasionally because they are kids and parties and holidays a lot of times revolve around "treats" and we don't want to completely cut the fun out of these events, but overall, we don't allow sweets, candy, desserts, junk food, fast food, etc.

KC&MO: How do you get your kids to eat the 'good' stuff?

Lindsey: When they don't know any different, it really isn't as hard as you might think.  They kids know that we don't eat french fries, for example, so when we go out to eat, they just don't ask for them.  They know they are going to eat the fruit as a side instead.  Now, my kids are picky, too, and they don't just fall in love with every healthy food I sit in front of them.  However, we at least try.  We will make them at least try one or two bites of something ("two polite bites"), and if they absolutely can't take it, we don't force anymore.  We will try again in a week or two because sometimes things grow on you.  Neither of my kids used to like cucumbers, for example, now they eat them all the time because we tried them out over and over.

KC&MO: How do you keep your children active? 

Lindsey: My oldest, Nicholas, is just an active kid!  There is no stopping him, so I don't really have to do much to keep him active.  But, he does play sports (football, basketball, and baseball), so those keep him very busy.  Leah, on the other hand, does not like to be active.  We found early on that she liked gymnastics, so we have her enrolled in that, and she is going to try soccer in the spring.  Team sports are a phenomenal way to get kids moving!  

I also run a lot of 5K's, and I have started bringing the family so the kids can run in the Fun Runs.  As I said, Davey and I love to work out, so we will bring the kids into the basement with us, and the kids will do obstacle courses or "work out" with us while we are down there.  We never make them do weights or anything of that sort, but jumping jacks, "push-ups", bodyweight squats, there is so much that kids are capable of if we just teach them.

Finally, just get outside!!  We jump on the trampoline, ride bikes, go for family walks, and swim when it is warm.  If it is too cold to go out, we have a small indoor trampoline, play catch with soft balls in the playroom, and go to indoor jumpy places or gymnasiums to run around.  I think all kids like to be active, they just have to be shown all the many opportunities there are… If all they know is having a TV or an electronic device in their face all the time, they don't know how much fun they could be having doing other things!

KC&MO: How do you stay healthy? 

Lindsey: I work out (cardio and strength training) 5-6 days each week.  I also incorporate yoga and Pilates.  I have just fallen in love with working out and sweating.  It makes me feel good about myself and is a stress reliever! I also eat healthy.  I don't eat Paleo, I'm not even sure what "clean eating" is anymore there are so many definitions, but I try to eat things that I have cooked from fresh ingredients as much as possible.  We do limit carbs and added sugars, but we don't eat zero carbs.  I'm not afraid to treat myself to a piece of pizza or a dessert when we are out with friends or on a special occasion, but portion control and knowing when it is a special occasion versus an everyday occurrence is the key!

KC&MO: When do you find the time to work out?

Lindsey: Whenever I can!  I have found now that I love it so much, I will make time no matter what!  If I know in advance that my day is going to be crazy, I will just have to get up at 5am and get my workout in and shower before the kids ever get up!  I can work out after they are both at school on some days.  Then there are other days that my kids are eating dinner on trays down in the basement while I'm working out.  When Davey is home, we can take turns, but when he travels, they are used to being taken down to our gym in the basement!  I know it sounds terrible, but working out makes me a much happier Mommy, so I'm sure they are glad that I'm dragging them down there! :)  I have learned over the past few years that I cannot feel guilty about working out!  It truly makes me feel better and happier, and in turn I really can be a much better, more focused mom.

KC&MO: What keeps you motivated to exercise? 

Lindsey: Well, as I said above, it just makes me feel better and happier.  I know the benefits of it and I want to live a long, healthy life, so that's a huge driving force.  I've seen how a sedentary lifestyle has affected family and friends' quality of life, and I don't want that to happen.  I want to set a good example for my kids, my family, and anyone else who may be paying attention to our lifestyle.  God gave me this body, it is a gift, and I want to treasure it and honor Him.  And finally, truthfully, I want to feel good about how I look, too.

KC&MO: What would be one tip to share with moms on the go that would make them a little bit healthier? 

Lindsey: Working out- it doesn't take as much time or "stuff" as you think!  You can get in a great total body or strength-training workout in 30 minutes or 20 minutes of high intensity cardio.  You also can use your own body weight do get a very effective workout- no need for weights and a fancy gym with machines!  Anything is better than nothing!

Eating healthy- always be prepared!  I try and travel with a healthy snack on me at ALL times (for myself and my kids!!).  If I get hungry while I'm out, it keeps me from grabbing something unhealthy.

Thank you Lindsey for taking the time to share SO much with us!  Your tips and tricks are not only helpful, but practical. You are an amazing mom! Mommies, I hope you enjoyed!  Keep Calm (and WARM!) and Mommy On!



Tuesday, November 11, 2014

{What a Beautiful Mess}

After hurrying through my bedtime routine so I could slide into my warm bed, I was stopped by a small collection of toys that were lying on my side of the bed. I paused. Then began picking them up. I couldn't help but think back a couple hours to Landen sitting in the bed all wrapped up in his fluffy white towel, smiling and saying, 'Alfie!'  All I could do was smile. 

Having a clean, or in my case picked-up, house often makes me feel like I 'have it together.' But on nights like last night I couldn't help but enjoy the traces of my children. I'm guilty of always picking up after them and sometime huffing and puffing that their toys have managed to migrate into our bedroom. But not last night. It was a moment in time where I was actually able to appreciate and love a mess left behind by my sweet children.

I'm thankful for the quiet moments of peace that allow for me as a Mom to reflect on how wonderful my world is with them now in it. How before they were thought of I didn't get to see their smiling faces or giggles. I never heard 'Momma' called out. Now, I can't imagine a day without those things-including a beautiful mess. 

I hope you fellow Mommies are able to find, every now and then, a moment to enjoy such a simple thing.  Have a wonderful day as you Mommy On! 



I learned today, in a class I was observing, that Veterans Day ( Armistice Day) was officially a holiday when WWI ended on 11-11 at 11:00.  This was a new fact to me-maybe one I had learned in high school and simply forgot. It was interesting to listen to the children talk about the holiday and discuss the meaning behind it. I was proud of the students and thankful for the reminder of why today is a special day. 

I'm not sure most of us will ever really be able to be grateful for our freedom. For most of us freedom is all we know and expect in life. It is easy to get caught up in our lives and the politics that surround us and forget how lucky we are to be in America. 

Yes there are plenty of political issues we could argue about, but that isn't what today is about. Again, it's not about us, it is about the special men and women that have and are currently serving our country. Thank you will never be enough. As I sit here in my safe-warm home putting my children to bed, I think of those who are living in turmoil and who are scared for their lives-their health and well being. 

I will likely never know what any of that feels like and it's because others have risked and sacrificed their lives long before I was even thought of. To those who are serving now and protecting my children and their futures, I feel indebted to you.  You all have enormous hearts and are well beyond ambitious and brave.  To those who are family members of those serving-you too deserve a great big thank you. I personally cannot imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. You too are special people. 

Thank you past and current veterans. My family is forever grateful. 


Monday, November 10, 2014

{Picture Day}

As a parent do you worry about your child's school picture? For some strange reason, picture day is stressing me out. What do I put them in? Will they stay clean? I've been chasing Landen around with Chapstick and Vaseline trying to keep his lips from being chapped. And do you know what he did tonight on the eve of picture day ? He decided to head butt Aaron. Ugh! Seriously, all we need is a goose egg too! 

I got to the point where I went to the office today and found out what time life touch is setting up so I can swing in before school starts and ask if we can take their pictures before school. Talk about being a micromanager! In all honesty part of me is just trying to take the weight off their teachers and the other part of me is doing it for myself-it's a chunk of change for these pictures! Okay, I can see your eye rolls and hear your sighs....I'll just stop. I mean what's the worse that could happen?

It's time for this Momma to relax, watch some good TV and have a glass of vino! 


Saturday, November 8, 2014

{Mommy Confessions:Target}

Yesterday Aaron, my husband, calls as soon as I step foot into target. When he asked where I was he replied with an, "uh oh..." I knew what he was thinking. I too know that when I enter into that big box store I have no self control. I can't make it out of the dollar spot, which oddly is now a three dollar spot-aggravating and not worth three dollars! , without putting most of it in my cart.

Friday, November 7, 2014

{First Parent Teacher Conference}

 Its so fun having 'first' moments with Aaron.  When Landen and Caroline were born we had a lot of firsts. First diaper change, first trip to the beach, first holidays, first steps and of course the big one-their first birthday! While there are lots of developmental firsts that are exciting past the age of one, It just doesn't compare to the whirlwind of firsts you experience in the beginning.  I have to say, days like today have become really sweet! 

Heading into work today I was mentally going through my work day. I was thinking about the conferences for the day reflecting once again on each child and what I wanted to convey to the parents. Then the phone rang-it was Aaron. We were chatting and then remembered we were meeting at noon for L and Cs conference. Aaron said, "shouldn't we have questions for her?"  Ah! I hadn't even prepped for our own kid's conferences. We quickly gathered a few thoughts and questions so we were prepared. 

Noon came around and Aaron and I walked up to Landen and Caroline's classroom. I was so excited! Moments like these I feel 110% like a new parent- really, who gets excited over conferences?! We had a great conference with Landen and Caroline's teacher. She's lovely and the classroom is lovely.  Both are what you dream of for your children's first experience of school.  The classroom has a colorful mural of Noah's Ark on the wall and is well stocked with various toys and manipulatives and the teacher herself has been busy creating a 'space' themed room complete with a rocket ship and solar system that is suspended from the ceiling. 

It's evident their teacher  has been working hard on her classroom so it's fun and engaging for the children-heck I'd love to hang out in there all day! We had suspected everything was going well overall and our feelings were confirmed-even Landen seems to be making progress with speaking more. They are having fun, enjoying their friends, and playing well. What more could parents ask for. It warms my heart and makes us both so happy. I'm glad I jumped at the chance to send them to preschool this year. 

As a parent, what are your hopes for your child(ren) at school? Do you have high expectations academically? Do you want your child to just be happy and successful in their own way? Do you wonder if they have friends? I can see where it's easy to want your child to be challenged and excell quickly in learning but I think as parents we need to help our children by keeping realistic expectations. Our children are growing up in a fast paced world and It is so easy for us to get caught up in it. I really want to protect Landen and Caroline's childhood. My hope is we is to a great first part of the year! I hope your children are all happy and well! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


Thursday, November 6, 2014

{Conference Eve}

Tonight as I drove home from parent-teacher conferences I was reflecting on how the experience is different from when I wasn't a parent myself. I have to say my thinking and approach towards conferences has certainly shifted with my new parent perspective. Certainly in a positive way. Tomorrow I will enter into Landen and Caroline's preschool conference with Aaron and we will be on the other side of the table for the first time hearing about our children from their teachers. I am nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time. 

I think I have mentioned it before but Landen does not speak as well as Caroline. Granted they are 2 1/2 years old and he is a boy the teacher in me says he needs more time to develop but the parent in me is freaking out. We asked the pediatrician last weekend about his speech/Language and of course all he did was scream so her comment was developmentally he's okay at this point based on some questions she had asked. 

Trying not to be a helicopter mom but also being proactive I asked my friend to listen to Landen when she has a chance. Knowing she is an expert and trusting the Dr.s, you would think I would feel taken care of and that I could relax a little bit...but that's not happening.  It's funny when your 'parent hat' is on, your emotions and your reactions are totally different (even when you are a teacher by profession!) and I'm thankful that I have the teacher inside of me calm me down-although that is hard to do sometimes. 

As a parent I just want Landen and Caroline to love, learn, play, grow, and make friends. What hat do you wear that is difficult for you?  I have to say I'm still VERY green at parenting and I certainly am feeling it on the eve of our  first parent-teacher conference. I can't wait to let you know how it goes tomorrow night. 

Keep a Calm and Mommy On! 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

{I'm a WHAT?}

Thank you time change! It's 8:00 and the kiddos are tucked soundly into bed! My only problem is keeping myself up too! Now that it is dark around six, I too feel like I should be headed to bed. I then have the delima of do I go to bed or try and fight it and watch all my shows that I have on the DVR. I am SO behind on my shows because I've been falling asleep on the couch..I must say, I've felt very rested this week and our new couch is being broken in too!

If you read my previous blog {THAT Parent}, you'll know I've been gathering winter gear for the kiddos.  Tonight I made my stop by Once Upon to see if they had some snow pants and some good winter boots. I love trendy, but I'm not ready to spend 100 bucks on boots my kids may wear three times and out grow.  So I stopped in, found what was practically like new items and headed to the checkout. If you ever run into me at the store when I'm shopping for L and C watch out!  I am likely to be loaded down-tonight was no exception. When shopping I am usually making the most of the trip to the store (especially if I'm alone!) which means I  have to make sure that I got two sets of everything for each kid-thus avoiding a morning like yesterdays.

I got to check-out said hello to the lady checking me out and another young girl said, "I know you from somewhere."  I smiled politely and said, "You do?" She asked if I worked at a school and I ran the gamete of schools I've been at since college. Nothing rang a bell for her at the time. She insisted that she knew me though. I asked her name and don't you know we quickly connected the dots.  I actually was her teacher in the latchkey program at Fairfield and Aaron and I were neighbors to her aunt when we lived on the West Side (as in the West side of Cincinnati-the French Corridor to be exact).   My sister, Summer, had this young girls  other aunt  as her teacher in high school. Small world-Right?!

For the first time in my life I had that "moment" of meeting a beautiful girl that was once a little girl I cared for, gave snacks too, and played with.  I remember her vividly now and it is just the craziest feeling seeing her as a young adult.  I wonder what impression I left on her-I hope it was a good one.  I am also amazed that she recognized me-guess I haven't changed or aged too much over the past ten years.

 I think after today, I officially feel like an adult. I've been teaching for seven years, I have twin two-year-olds, and I drive a minivan....go figure it would take a five minute conversation with a young lady to make me finally realize I am in fact an adult. 

I'm not sure that I'm ready quiet yet to run into another past student, but I do have to say that running into her was a great reminder of the impression teachers leave on children's lives.  I think that is applicable in a Mommy way too. As mothers, we have the opportunity to really make a difference in our children's lives. It will take time to see the results of the love and care we give to them each and everyday, but I know the time and effort will be worth it in the end.

Here is to being amazing, caring, and loving Mommies!!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

{THAT parent}

Let's be honest. I have struggled more the past two days with the time change than Caroline and Landen. I have fallen asleep on the couch exhausted around 7:30/8:00. This morning, I woke up on the couch at 5:15. I decided I might as well get up and make some coffee before heading upstairs to get ready. While I'm waiting on the coffee, I began getting the backpacks and lunch bags together in a tote. I looked around for their coats and they are no where to be found. In an instant I panicked and thought, "Oh my gosh I'm THAT parent!"

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Guest Blogger: Angela Jolley

It is my pleasure to introduce to you our guest blogger: Angela Jolley.  Angela and I know one another through high school. While we weren't in the same 'circle' back then, we are now a part of the Working Mom's Club.  She is a business owner, Mother of a two-year-old with another sweetie on the way.  She is going to share with you her experience with infertility as well as her business and Mommy-must-haves! Please be sure to visit Dulce Designs Candy  


KC&MO: Tell us about yourself and your family! 

Angela: My husband and I met while I was in college at Eastern Kentucky University.  He was graduated but came back to visit his fraternity brothers during a formal. We became instant friends for years and once I graduated and moved back to Cincinnati, where he was living, we immediately started dating. I know it is cliché to say but he is 100% my best friend and is one of the funniest people I have ever met. He is the hardest working person, and because of that I am able to stay home with our son while running my own business.  I am blessed to have him for a husband. Together we have a 2 year old son named Nolan. Nolan is hilarious, assertive, extremely active, kind, polite and very bossy at times. We are also expecting our second son, Grayson, in March!

KC&MO:How will baby number two change things for you? How is it different from preparing for your first?

Angela: Life is going to get so much crazier but a lot more fun too. I think having two of the same gender really helps in preparing for their arrival, we already have almost everything we need. With the second pregnancy I am much more relaxed and not as nervous as I was the first time around. I think our biggest obstacle will be starting over with the newborn stage after having a toddler that can do a lot on his own. I am having a C-section again with our second and I am nervous about the recovery of that while trying to care for a newborn and toddler. I know there are a lot of challenges with having a toddler and a newborn but I will survive with the help of my family, friends and some wine!

 KC&MO: What are you most excited about with your growing family?

Angela: I am so excited to give my son a brother/sibling/best friend and at times worst enemy.  More than anything I am beyond blessed to be pregnant again after at one time being told I would probably never have children. I will admit, I am the WORST pregnant person ever…just ask my loved ones!


KC&MO: What can you share with moms who struggle with infertility? What's your story? 

Angela: To be honest, I never really paid much attention to infertility until it became a large part of my life about four years ago. It was then that I found out really how common it is, and I am noticing it especially with a lot of people my age. We tried on our own to get pregnant for almost 9 months with no luck, I know they say to wait a full year before seeing a specialist but I just knew something what wrong so my doctor had Adam and I go in for a couple of tests. Adam had to do a sperm analysis where they found out he has perfect “super swimmers” so we knew the issue was with me. With him cleared, it was my turn.  The first test was a Hysterosalpingogram or better known as the dye test where they test the condition of your fallopian tubes. It was after this test that they discovered I had endometriosis and it was so severe that I had only one working fallopian tube. After further testing they also found that I had low ovarian reserve…meaning that I had a lower egg count and the eggs I had were not of great quality.

With that knowledge we started fertility treatments at the Institute of Reproductive Health under Dr. Scheiber. It was here that we underwent a total of 6 artificial inseminations (iui’s) before we decided to move onto in-vitro fertilization (ivf). None of these fertility treatments were a walk in the park and all included a series of medicine…especially the ivf’s where I was giving myself up to 4 injections a day in my stomach. I was moody, tired, and emotional while starting to put on weight from all of the medicine…top that off with negative pregnancy tests monthly and I was starting to also get very depressed. We ended up doing 2 ivf’s both of which I never made it past egg retrieval because my egg quality was so bad that no eggs fertilized. The next day after our second IVF retrieval I received a phone call from the IVF nurse letting me know that nothing took and that we could not move on with the second part of the procedure was one of the darkest days of my life. I remember Adam coming home from work immediately and just lying in bed with me, holding me while I sobbed.  Fast forward a few weeks and in that time we had decided to look into egg donation as well as adoption. It was during this time that I went off all fertility medicine and started acupuncture with the amazing Carole Paine. I was eating organic and doing yoga and praying more than I ever had in my entire life. I noticed my period was a little late and my lower back was aching which I thought was so odd. Just for the heck of it I took a pregnancy test and imagine my total shock when I saw those 2 pink lines. I took three more tests that day just to make sure.  Our first son, Nolan is a true miracle baby and it is never lost on us how much we went through to get him!

KC&MO: What is your message to women who are struggling with infertility?

Angela: That you are not alone, infertility is actually really common and does not define you as a person.  I love that it is being talked about more and more in media, blog pages etc. If you do have or have had any sort of infertility do not feel like you have to hide your feelings.  It’s ok to be sad some days!

Once I became pregnant and was so sick with constant morning sickness I felt like I could never complain or ask for help because that is what I so desperately wanted and prayed for…what I want to tell people is it is ok to be honest about how you are feeling. You don’t have to love being pregnant every second of the 9 months; you are not ungrateful for feeling that way.

KC&MO: What got you through the tough days of infertility? 

Angela: Talking about it with my loved ones while also going to a counselor and of course praying…lots and lots of praying. I think it is so important to have a strong support system in life, people you know you can really count on to get you through your darkest days and those who also rejoice with you in your happiest.  I felt so surrounded by love from my friends and family. I was not always very open about our infertility but as soon as I was able to open up and talk about it, the better I felt. The biggest eye opener for me was learning I was not alone; that infertility is very common!

KC&MO: Did the infertility cause any stress to your marriage? How did you and your husband stay close and connected? 

Angela: The weird thing is it brought us closer than ever.  Nobody knew better than him what loss and heartbreak we were experiencing. I was never alone; he was with me every step of the way.  At first, I felt guilty for not being able to have children, like it was my fault because the infertility was with me. When we got married we had these dreams to start a family and I felt like I was to blame for not being able to fulfill that dream for us. He constantly reminded me that I was not alone, we did the infertility shots together and he would listen to me when I needed it and hold me when I had nothing to say.  For that I am forever grateful!


KC&MO: Tell us more about Dulce Designs Candy! How did you begin? Where did the idea come from?

Angela: Dulce Designs is a DIY candy/popcorn buffet company helping you create artful events and stylish celebrations without breaking the bank!

Growing up as a child and even now as an adult, I have always had the biggest love for anything sweet (especially chewy candy!). As I was planning my own wedding, I wanted to incorporate my love for candy and desserts.  After talking with dozens of favor and dessert providers, I decided to design my own candy buffet for all my guests to enjoy.  My passion for design and addiction to sweets was the perfect combination needed to plan a yummy dessert table.

I remember on our wedding night cleaning up my candy buffet in my wedding dress and thinking, “There should be a company that takes care of all of this for brides!” and thus the idea for Dulce Designs really came to life. It has been 5 years now and I thoroughly love what I do. I love setting my own schedule, I enjoy that it allows me to be creative; I have met some of the most amazing people…but most of all I love that working from home allows me to be home with my son (soon to be son’s)!

KC&MO: How do you possibly work from home and take care of a little one all while being pregnant with baby number two?

Angela: The key for me is organization and not being afraid to ask for help from family members when I need it. When I have a large event on any particular week then it is not uncommon for our house to turn into a candy shop and for our mom’s to be over offering a helping hand. I have to keep my little guy active so I try to plan fun activities for him weekly. Pre-school has also been a saving grace lately…he loves the kids and it gives me some quiet time to work or rest.  Nolan being happy and well taken care of allows me to be able to get what I need done for work smoothly, without distractions.

KC&MO: What is the key to your success at your business?

Angela: Changing with the times and staying relevant with what is popular now. The wedding and party industry is constantly changing and I need to stay current with that to keep new clients coming in. Pinterest is a big help to me in that department!

KC&MO: How do you keep organized?
Angela: I believe you can never have too many lists; I literally have reminders and lists for me all over the place.

KC&MO: What is your mom must have?

Angela: It is not really a tangible item…naps and schedules are my mommy must have.  I know they are not for everyone but they are very important to us in the Jolley house. It keeps mommy sane and our little boy happy and smiling (when he is not throwing the occasional two year old tantrum)! I really look forward to spending time with my husband at the end of the day,  just unwinding and talking about all the fun things Nolan did or said that day and watching anything besides Disney…being on a schedule and having a bedtime for our little one allows us to spend that much needed alone time together. 

KC&MO: What do you do to treat yourself?

Angela: I LOVE to read books, it is my ultimate escape! I also really enjoy getting manicures…I feel like if my nails are painted I am more put together, even in my daily sweats and pony tails!

KC&MO: Can you share your website/Facebook page with readers? 

Thank you, Angela for being so candid about what it’s like to be a Mom.  Your strength as a woman is amazing. Your drive to be a creative success is admirable!   Thank you for being an inspiration to us Moms!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!
