Thursday, November 27, 2014


Hello Mommas! Have you finished cleaning up your kitchen or finally have arrived home from visiting with family and friends?  I have to say this Thanksgiving was wonderful.  Now I'm not like a lot of Moms. I am not a Black Friday shopper... AT. ALL.  I went one year with my mother-in-law and after that I vowed to never go again. I was so hot, the lines were long, and my legs hurt. I now shop online from the comfort of my own home. 

Going from stuffing to 'stuff' 
I find it kinda funny that we go from stuffing ourselves one day to stuffing carts full of things the next. I will avoid any store from now until about February. I go into hiding from all the busy stores with long lines. I probably spend less money out of our monthly budget during this season.  My biggest pet peeve is how grown adults act like children during this time of year-why even do Christmas if your just going to be grumpy and ruine everyone else's around you. It's just "STUFF!"  No I'm not going to give the lecture of the reason for the season, but really your going to get all ticked off that you can't find Elsa? Surely with today's technology you or a family member could buy it online ... so while I'll be off tree hunting tomorrow with family on Black Friday, just remember, Mommas who are already shopping or going to be shopping -it's just "stuff!" If you have to do it, do it with some cheer!  Oh-and wear some comfortable shoes! 

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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