Friday, January 2, 2015

{Wrestling With Resolutions}

It's THAT time of the year. The local gyms go from being abandon to being fought over for twenty-four hours a day. It can be the most frustrating time of the year for those who are dedicated members who have stuck with it and made every month count at the gym. I was once a dedicated gym member arriving at five A.M. annoyed the doors weren't unlocked yet, then I would return after work and get some lifting in...those days are gone!  Do you have a New Year's Resolution? Do you keep away from them?

In years past, I have NEVER made a resolution. I figured when the spirit moved me to do something or change an aspect of my life, then I would do it when I was ready.  I've never been addicted to junk food or pop to need to give it up. There is always room for improving my physical self, spending less money (at Starbucks), and eliminating Dove dark chocolate from my desk drawer. Oh. and the big one.....lessening the consumption of wine-that was painful to say!

I had a moment the other day to actually think about the year to come. Birthdays, trips, and then it hit me. I'm going to be thirty (Woo Hoooo) which got me thinking about this milestone and if I want to do anything before then. So this year, I'm wrestling with the resolution of taking time for me (AKA exercise through the winter) and praying I have the energy to do it. Back on the healthy horse. Giddy-Up!

My family and I have been doing the March for Babies walk since the twins have been born. The nurses at Good Sam did the walk while Landen and Caroline were still in my belly and placed their names on stars which were displayed among hundreds of others. After the walk one of the nurses came back to visit the girls on the floor including me and I got to meet her adorable pup in the picture below.

 It certainly is fitting for Landen and Caroline's  birthday coincides with the March for Babies Walk. So to help kick start our fundraising as well as to motivate me, I will be running 100 miles from now until April 26th. My hope is I could maybe do 200- 100 for Caroline and 100 for Landen. We will see if I can reach that higher goal...(yawn) I'm tired just thinking about it!  You can catch my #100forbabies journey by clicking here.

What resolutions have you made? Wanna share? I'd love to hear what you Momma's are wanting to change, see, and do this year. I think 2015 is going to be a really good year! For those of you with resolutions, You have my support. To those of you who don't-you have my support as well!

Keep Calm and Mommy On!


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