Friday, January 23, 2015


I headed down to Northern Kentucky University this afternoon to do a video recording for work. I was feeling a little nervous and having never been to NKU before I was anxious about finding my way and making it on time. Thinking I left in plenty of time, I managed to hit unexpected traffic. I slid on to campus in just enough time to make it to the building I was to report to.

 I was so consumed with keeping track of my parking ticket and making sure I had everything I needed that I hopped quickly out of the van.  As soon as I locked the door and shut it I got a sinking feeling as I rounded the back of the van. My keys. I did the frantic purse dig,  sifting through diapers and lip gloss. No keys. I thought to myself, "Now how many times have I lost something in this dark hole-they've gotta be in here!" 

At this point I threw my stuff on the floor of the parking garage and started digging, with no luck I raced to the van and started scanning  the inside through the window. Sure enough the van was locked with my keys resting in my tote in the passenger seat. And now I was late!

I raced into the building not knowing where to go and luckily a nice older gentlemen pointed me in the right direction. At this point I was totally disheveled, I met the lovely ladies whom I was to meet with, apologized for being late and explained I locked my keys in the van. They assured me they could get me some help after we were finished. 

After we wrapped up the recording, I followed the ladies to their office and Dana asked for the make and model of my vehicle. I don't know why but I feel ridiculous when I tell people I drive a minivan-maybe because I am a geeky mom now that actually loves it!  Then she asked for my plate number. I told her Mommyon. The graduate student chuckled and was very endearing when she said, "that's so awesome."   Dana  then asked how to spell it. "M-O-M-M-Y-O-N," I replied.

Hearing Dana relay my information to the parking service department made me grin with slight embarrassment  but I was so grateful they could help me out at no expense!  After saying good-bye and thanking them for their help, I quickly headed out to meet the service person. 

I was relieved when he found me. The car door opened and out popped a young college student. I said hello to him and told him how much I appreciated his help. He grabbed some tools out of the trunk of his vehicle and said, " This  is my first minivan I've ever had to do." I said, " you're telling me college students are sporting minivans?"

He got out his iPhone and turned on the flashlight to get a good look at where the button was, I volunteered to hold the phone as he wiggled the, "slim Jim" in through the crack. I told him I really needed to get a slim Jim and wedge to keep in my purse. He laughed but I assure you I was serious. I have a feeling this isn't going to be the last time for locking my keys in the van. 

I must say the people at NKU are super sweet and very helpful. I also can say it's nice getting older and not totally panicking about things that I know will work out.  I swear to you someone is ways looking out for me!  Enjoy your weekend Mommies!!

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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