Tuesday, January 20, 2015

{Potty Training Merry-Go-Round}

I love merry-go-rounds...okay, as a kid I did. Now I step on one with Landen and Caroline and I pray to God I can find something to focus on so I won't puke or pass out in the four minutes (that feels like twenty!) we're on it.  Lord knows I packed a change of clothes for everyone but myself.

I am enjoying her smiling face but let's be honest, she's what I'm focusing on so I don't throw up!

Potty training has been kinda like a merry-go-round for us. We get on and we're good for awhile and then it stopped-all of a sudden. So we took a break and all of the sudden the merry-go-round started back up this past weekend. I'm done. The gloves are off (except for those pesky accidents)  and this is going to happen this time. Caroline has over come her fear of doing you know what on it so surly we should be golden! 

Today was a school day for Landen and Caroline.  In the beginning of potty training, I would be so nervous about Caroline wetting her pants in public or on our long drive into work. My perspective has changed and I'm at the point where I'm thinking worse things can happen.  Knowing the interstate was shut down (Pray for that poor family!!) and traffic would be backed up, I packed a ton of extra clothes and crocs (easy cleaning!) and we took off. We were in the car for a good hour before arriving to school. I prayed she would make it down the hall to my classroom to use the potty because we were already running late. Sure enough she made it! Now, from this point on, I figured what will be will be. I'll just be packing lots of extra clothes and Kroger bags :-) 

I'm beginning to think I should have listened to a friend of mine who told us this past summer that for the majority of kids potty training happens at three years of age. I'm thinking I should have listened to her...when will I learn. 

I hope you are well and enjoying the week. Today was beautiful and my only regret is that I couldn't teach outside all day. I hoped you soaked it up to rejuvenate yourself! Remember to be kind to yourself, Moms! You're special. The days may seem long sometimes, but they are the best days of our lives...and anyways, you're amazing so take each day to bask in it!

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 



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