Monday, January 12, 2015

{Don't Let a Little Toilet Water Ruin Your Day}

Do you ever have days where if you don't laugh you will cry? We spend most of our time 'laughing it off' at our house because we would spend our lives being upset otherwise-who wants to live like that?
Do you remember how last week I  mentioned how Caroline was a flight risk anymore, now we can add Landen to the list. My trust pal is not trusty anymore. 

Today I thought I was being smart by packing my van up at school before picking up the kids from preschool-freeing up my hands to hold on tight to them in the parking lot. This worked out great until halfway on our journey through the building when Landen and Caroline decided they no longer wanted to wear their backpacks and carry their lunch my hands and shoulders were full.  Let's just the moment the exchange of goods took place Landen started up a flight of stairs while Caroline ran up a ramp in the opposite direction. They had to of plotted against me through ESP! 

Luckily, my friend was walking out with us and she was able to round Caroline up while I ran after Landen-who had made it up the second flight of stairs. Stride Rite, what are you putting in those shoes? Mini rockets?! So, I'm thinking I need a grocery cart..something I can throw the kids in and all their stuff without having to strap them into the stroller which they hate. I know, socially its unacceptable...but wouldn't it be a funny sight? 

This past weekend I had some fantastic moments as a parent-who says that? I'm kidding. Let's just say Caroline blew out her diaper in her white pants and I didn't find out until I was changing her on the floor of the minivan in the dark and I noticed something dark on my fingers! Ugh yuck! It didn't just happen once that diaper change it happend twice..possibly more but you just don't keep track in these situations.  We got Caroline all fixed up and on our way home we went. 

When we got home Landen insisted upon trying out the potty. Okay, sure-why not. I put him on facing the tank with a piece of cheese, he had insisted upon, in his hand-such a boy.  At this point I was bent over helping him and he droped a piece of cheese in the toilet and the water (thank G-d it was clean at this point-still disgusting) splashed up in my face hitting me in the eye.  At this point I was not very mature...I of course squealed and said how gross it was-hilarious to two-year olds of course!  I'm thinking I need to invest in an eye wash like science labs have, it would come in handy our house! 

Parenting really opens your life up to situations you couldn't ever dream up. It can either make you go crazy on days you are worn down or keep your flexibility skills in shape while you're somehow still running a top the moving ball we call life.....Moms, we need to have our bad days. Go ahead and call them that, but don't let them control the next bright day ahead of you. Find a way to refresh, laugh, and move on. 

The job of a Mom is a big one! Many of you are single moms, working moms, stay-at-home moms, and moms for a second time (I.e. Grandparents who are babysitting full time or raising their grand children).  Be kind to yourself and laugh when you want to cry....or heck,  have a good cry if you need to!  But find a way to move on from toilet water I your face and poop on your fingers, because there are going to be plenty more along the way ;-) 

Keep Calm and Mommy On! 


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