Saturday, January 31, 2015

{10 Words with Different Meanings After Kids: Keep Calm and Mommy On Version}

" wait. S-L-E-E-P,  I think that looks right. When was the last time I slept through the night. Hmm? Has it been that long? How am I functioning right now? Maybe it's the coffee...oh gosh, am I an addict. What time is it? I really need a shower...and to clean...It would be nice to go for a run...wonder what the kids are glad Aaron has them right now....why does rubbing your eyes feel so good when your tired?"

Trying to write this post was a hard start. I can't tell you the last time ANY of us have slept through the night in our household. I've lost track of when it all started.  Now, I knew this day would come. Landen and Caroline were awesome sleepers as infants and babies. I knew God was trying to give us a break after the crazy stay in the hospital. So I knew there would come a point in time where we would have to "serve our time" with sleepless nights because you know we have to "earn" our parent badge. And that can't be done without having consecutive nights of little sleep and soreness from sleeping on floors and couches.

Aaron used to wonder how I would ever do without sleep. I wondered too, but figured I would adjust. It's amazing what you can do when you HAVE to do it. I am at the point where around one or two o'clock in the afternoon I wonder why I'm sleepy. Sometimes it hits me that I had a long night and other days I make coffee and don't even think twice about it. To all you new moms or future moms out there, I do have good news for you....

Life. Goes. On.

If you read my previous post, {Then and Now}, and visited the link, I'm sure you would agree with me when I say it was pretty funny! I have a few I would like to add to the they are:


                      Defining Words- After Kids

Vacationing BEFORE kids

Before kids: I can stay up late and sleep in in the morning!
After kids: Something my children require a lot of and I get very little of. 

Before kids: bring out the candles, John Mayer music, bubbles, and wine.
After kids: A day at the water park

Before kids: "that three hour nap was amazing!"
After kids: there are two choices here.. Hurry and lay down for a ( hopefully uninterrupted) nap or hurry and get chores done!

Baby Wipes
Before kids: No need for those anytime soon.
After kids: I use them for everything! 

Before kids: All of my favorite shows to catch up on! Maybe a bachelor marathon is in order! 
After kids: DVR List: Dora.Paw Patrol. Bubble Guppies. Diego. Curious George. "Im too tired to watch anything anyways!"

Before kids: "I'll never drive a minivan!"
After kids: Minivans are a saving grace.

Before kids: Easy. Peaceful.
After kids: Load up the jogger and expect many "drops and stops" along the way.

Before kids: Heading to who knows where. We'll find something fun to do wherever we end up.

After kids: Something you do in hopes your children will finally fall asleep and take their nap! 

Dinner Out
Before kids: Anywhere our hearts desire.
After kids: Anywhere noise is acceptable and they serve food fast! 

Before kids: I'm exhausted

After kids: Get the wipes!!! It's falling out of her pant leg!!!

Keep Calm and Mommy On Ladies!!


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