Saturday, January 17, 2015


Have you ever have a moment where life is quickly is drawn into perspective? I am not sure if it's because I'm getting older or if It's because I have children now, maybe it's both, but I have become more sensitive to the realities of the world. The possibilities of good and worrisome things that could happen to my family, friends, and the free soil we live on everyday.

Yesterday, I was in my blissful world of a wonderful work place, Starbucks coffee, and a night out at Lachey's in Over the Rhine with my friends. A girls night out that I felt I deserved since the past couple months have consisted of interrupted and restless nights of sleep while juggling everything else in our life. It was the best night. Great food, fun bar, awesome friends, tweets from Nick Lachey and I was double dog dared to say hello and take a pic with Justin, who was picking up dinner, from 98 degrees.  I was relaxed, happy, and everything was just right in the world.

I woke up this morning to two happy kiddos and my awesome husband.  Loving all the good moments and counting to ten for the more challenging moments with twins. Aaron and I headed out for a day out together and one stop was to see American Sniper.  Aaron briefed me on the story line, which I was familiar with since it had been such a big story a couple years ago on the news. The story of Chris Kyle was captured in an amazing way-my opinion of course.

I left the theater in silence as most other people did too. It's an on the edge of your seat,gut wrenching, true story that continues to have a hold of me at the moment. I tried "running it off" and after four and a half miles, my mind and heart is with all of the families out there whose family members are worried sick about their loved one or are mourning the loss of a friend/family member. American Sniper was probably the closest I would get to really seeing and understanding an ounce of  what it's like for those serving our country.

I can't help but be thankful for being able to live in an area of peace. Where I can get up and live this amazing life God has given us. I am now more cognoscente of what and WHO it has taken to live in a free country.  As I said in my "freedom" post, Thank you...from the bottom of my heart to those who serve our country and the families who spend restless nights worried about their loved ones. My restless nights can't compare to yours. I will be forever grateful for what you're doing for me and my family.

Keep Calm and Mommy On (in perspective) 


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