Friday, February 27, 2015

{Near Or Far...You're An Amazing Mom}

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

I started this blog in October of last year as a way to do something for myself. It was my "hobby" that has become slightly more than a hobby for me. I have had consistent following since October and tonight I sat down to review my stats to see how this blog compares to "successful blogs."  
Upon reviewing page views and such I looked at the "all time" section for viewers and saw a list of countries: U.S, Russia, France, Canada, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Malaysia, and Ukraine.  My small hobby that started in my twins' bedroom has managed to reach around the world. It is mind boggling to me how us moms can be connected not just locally but worldwide. While our culture and daily lives may be very different from one another, we have something that is very much the same...being a mother.  

To those of you near and far....I greatly appreciate the comments you send and posts you make. It is so fun hearing from you all!  My hope is in the next couple of years, I will be able to keep a solid interest and maybe reach out to more moms in a bigger way. 

Moms, what you do on a daily basis for your children and family is no small task. You sacrifice, run on little sleep at times, and do whatever it takes to provide for your child's needs. You leave not only an impression on your child (ren) but you live a lasting impact on society. You all are amazing...near or far! 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

{Yup, That Was Me!}

If you were at the Chick-fil-a  we were at around 5:45 this evening you would have gotten a great "show." The kids and I walk out to the van together holding hands throughout the week whether we're at a store or going in and out of school. This afternoon we played "stop and go" checking for cars and safely made it into the van after school.   Leaving the restaurant tonight was another story.

I thought I was smart by parking up front by the building on the end. I had the sidewalk in front and a sidewalk on one side so I could make sure Landen and Caroline had a safe place to stand. We get out to the van after dinner with my bag and a drink in my hand.  The car is surrounded by just enough leftover snow and ice to make you take your time. I'm not sure what sparked the moment of chaos inside of Landen and Caroline, but they took off in separate directions running around the van and into a very busy parking lot. I caught them and Landen managed to slip on the ice and fall down.  He let out a loud scream drawling plenty of attention to what was about to become the next "scene" of their act. 

 In the moment of giving Landen a kiss on his face and wiping a tear, Caroline bottled around the front of the van. With me in dress boots and trying to hang on to Landen I spotted her through the windows of the van. She circled around the front and I tried to catch her in the ice on the side of the van but she bolted into the drive-thru traffic. I'm feeling every feeling a mother can at this point. I'm mad, shaken, and totally embarrassed. I'm sure I was good topic of conversation for that very long line of hungry people. I believe I just lost a few years of my life from that experience.  

I don't know about you (as a mom), but I'm sensitive to what those around me think, especially since I'm a teacher of young children. I know I shouldn't care and I should just let it roll off my back, but I can't. Do you ever go through a store and see a "cranky" mom or dad and think "Gosh they're in a mood?" It's really not fair to judge them. I've thought it before...but did I know what had occurred earlier in the day? No. And anyways, what's it matter what I think?

I can tell you this. None of the people in the Chick-fil-a line knew I had been up since early in the morning, started running a household at  6 am, taught my kindergarten class all day, and had just spent two hours in a very busy restaurant in which my kids barely ate anything but probably collected every germ in those gross tunnels and play things.  And now they were making dangerous decisions in an icy parking lot. 

My point is this. We (parents) have to stop and think of others. Instead of thinking, "Gosh, he/she was in a cranky mood" or "He/she wasn't very friendly today," stop and put yourself in their shoes or at least be conscious of the fact that they might have had a rough morning or maybe their plate is so full they are starting to feel it-especially if they are a parent. I have, what I think, is a pretty sunny disposition, but I can tell you this, towards the end of the week, my coffee is STRONG and I'm just happy if I get to work on time with most of what I (or the kids) need for the day. We all have our days and moments as parents when we aren't our best and I can tell you that I too am not always bubbling over with enthusiasm...sometimes I'm lucky to simmer. I assure you at this moment of time, I'm not "sunny."  I may still be recovering tomorrow morning from the five minute ordeal in the parking lot tonight.

For those of you who have had a rough day, week, month, and possibly year, I hope you can find some time to breathe, decompress, and find a way to find a moment or two of peace. I promise if I see you chasing after your kids in a parking lot or losing it in a store, I won't judge you....I'll be sympathizing WITH you!

Wishing I hadn't given up my wine.....

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

{Its A No Brainer}

Do you ever have moments when you wonder, "why didn't I think of that?" I personally have them all of the time.  When I have a great idea,  that I think is original, I like to share it with other moms! 

As a mother of twins and teacher I drink a lot of coffee (I am drinking a cup as we speak!) and I like to drink the Coffee-mate natural bliss sweet cream creamer. I wish I would have thought of this sooner, but better late than never, but the creamer conatainers are awesome for holding all kinds of things for little ones-snacks to art supplies! 

Now I have to tell you may want to get a funnel. It would just make filling the conatainers easier when it comes to small items like cereal or seeds/nuts or beads if your storing art supplies. We have spent a lot of money on Ziploc containers and so it's nice to have these, practically free, storage containers that are great in the car. The containers fit in cup holders whether it's in a backpack, diaper bag, or in the door of your minivan! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

{The Adventures Of Play: Easy Activities To Do At Home At Little Or No Expense!}

Whether you are a stay at home mommy or a working parent, I think we can all agree there are times we find ourselves either tired of the usual play things our children play with or our children become destructive trying to find new things to do around the house that are usually less than desirable for us parents. Having a few tricks up our sleeves can really help eliminate boredom during these cold winter days. 

This past weekend was a long weekend with Presidents Day yesterday, but now we have a snow day! Yesterday, I decided I needed to mix-up our morning routine and turn off the TV.  Landen and Caroline enjoyed a fun morning of arts and crafts completed with making their own bagel pizzas for lunch. The snow provided a beautiful backdrop for our play and I must say, time kind of got away from us. Doing activities that not only interest your child but challenges their fine motor development and creativity is always a plus! 

As a teacher and a mom, I am always looking for things around the house I already have to create a new activity. I am a huge fan of Pinterest, but I don't always have the items at home. Running to the dollar store or craft store is not always an easy task with twins so I take the Pinterest ideas and make them my own. Yesterday, I broke into my "birthday" box of supplies and found party hats and other items to make into a new activity.  A few of the photos below are of things Landen and Caroline have received as gifts.  My trusty little helpers tried some new things out and I have to say, the activities I thought would be boring were really exciting for them! 

Easy Activities:

Snack cup or wipe container to push (or hammer) shapes into ..use any small objects (that are safe for your little one)to push into a snack container. My wood shapes were a little too large for a snack cup so I opted for the wipe container. 

Tissue box with pieces of fabric to pull out- use different textures. Old scarves, sock. To make it harder use a wipe box. Using a tissue box is a lot easier for smaller children. Caroline was a little frustrated having to "work" to get her favorite pink scarves out of the box. She really had to use her pinchers!

Kinetic sand-amazing!! This sand is truly a wonder and a gift to parents. It's a cross between play dough and sand. You can buy it at the store or find a recipe online.  Our kit came with everything shown below. We store the sand in Ziploc bags and everything goes into the nice kit that the materials came in. Talk about easy clean up!


Stickers. Back in college I was a scrap booker. I have kept my stash of goods thinking I would someday use the materials again. My children LOVE stickers.  You can give them a sheet of stickers at a restaurant, church, or in the car and they are content! 

Doodle pad. Caroline calls this her IPad. So far from it, but it means a lot to her! This has been a wonderful gift that Landen and Caroline received at their first birthday. It is an item that has grown with them! 

 Ice cube tray with colored Pom Poms-fine motor development. I started off this morning using the ice cube trays I had bought to make baby food in (let's be honest, my husband made the baby food).  I was cooking breakfast and the egg carton was empty and I threw it over on the table with the kids to play with and they enjoyed it. It's nice because it has a "built" in tray to hold the pom poms and you could even put the utensils in and pack it up. I love easy clean up! 

Paint bag! For this activity, I like to use a thicker baggie like a freezer bag.  This helps keep objects you put in the bag from poking through the bag during play. So today, I was out of paint. We used it all yesterday and so I looked around for something I had that would do the trick. I through some modge podge into the bags with some food coloring and let Landen and Caroline choose some items to put in. Some fun things to add are glitter, pasta, buttons, shapes, wiggly eyes, and anything else you don't mind getting rid of! Once you have everything in the baggie you can tape the baggie to the table so your little one can press without the bag sliding all over the table. Plus it will keep your child from opening up the bag and making an unwanted mess!

A lot of our homes are filled with those lovely magnetic letters. So pull out the refrigerator and do a sweep of them! You can whip out a baking sheet and have a couple minutes, more if you're lucky, of some piece and quiet.
Pony Beads and Pipe Cleaners. These are SO colorful and fun! Start by putting one bead on and securing the end so the other beads won't fall off. Little ones can begin experimenting with stringing beads on (be sure to supervise or use larger items for stringing!) or older children can begin working on patterns. NOTE: Do this activity on the floor-carpet is great. Today, Caroline was working at the table and her beads fell and ricocheted all over the kitchen...glad I had four extra hands to help with that clean up!


Busy Blocks. I found these one Christmas at Half Price Books. I think they are more of a two-year-old thing. My kids wanted to eat them before. But, it's always worth a shot. If you have a little one, you could share with him/her the pictures in the book and they could watch you do the puzzle. Regardless, they are neat!

Begin by looking around your house and think of ways your child can use and manipulate items like an egg carton, paper towel roll, or cooking utensils- the safe ones of course.  You never know what you have that your children will absolutely love!!

Feel free to find me on Pinterest! Follow my "Busy Bag" Board for more ideas!


Monday, February 16, 2015

{Do I Dare?}

What time do you get up in the morning? What time does work start for you? During the school year, I need to be up and at um by 5:30 a.m. at the latest and be ready to go at 7:45 a.m. for work. Now, the winter months make this very difficult. I lay in bed every morning procrastinating the inevitable.....movement of my body. It has nothing to do with not wanting to go to work. It has everything to do with a warm bed and a quiet house!

Sometimes I lay in bed and either try to gather my thoughts from a long night of restless sleep or organize my thoughts for the day. Just thinking about everything that is going to have to get done in those next 45 minutes makes me roll over for another five. Yes, I pack our lunches ahead of time and the bags filled with coats, changes of clothes, and what have yous the children need or want for the day. 

With every morning starting like a Kentucky Derby race, it's really no wonder I'm reaching for that afternoon coffee by 1 p.m. But, I can't help but feel like I am at the point of needing to do more for myself. Have you ever felt that way? Do I dare take on another commitment for myself while my life is already pretty jam packed of work and home commitments?

I promised myself last fall I would find a hobby. Which is when this blog was founded  and I love it!  Then in January, I decided to take on "winter" running (which I said I would NEVER do) in efforts to raise funds for March for Babies. These two things have been good for my soul....could I possibly need more?

I have a friend who has found a love and passion for personal training . After talking with her the other day, I became inspired. She mentioned doing 5 a.m. workouts with a couple of teachers and it really got me thinking...if they can get up early and drive to her house, I can certainly throw on clothes and walk down to the basement to lift...hmmmmm? 

 My husband, Aaron, and I spent the weekend cleaning out our basement and putting away baby clothes and toys. Something I have done several times, but since we're done having kids, it's time to move it out of the way!  Now our basement isn't finished which in the past made it less than appealing to head down and work out among who knows what. But Aaron cleared the cobwebs, hung lights, laid flooring, installed a TV and stereo to help it feel a little more comfortable for me. Have I mentioned how amazing he is? So with our lifting equipment dusted off, my elliptical down stairs, and a stability along with other things, I'm wondering....Do I try and get up around 4:30 a.m. and get my workout in for the day?

Now I know this can be done. Aaron and I used to get to the gym at 5 a.m. workout and then head back at night-Yea, that was OBVIOUSLY before kids! We loved it. It was awesome together time and I felt great...I like challenges and I like to prove myself wrong....I'm thinking I'll start by making a schedule and see what is doable. I have found as a mom, that I have to keep a careful balance between every aspect of my life or everything falls like a Jenga tower. 

Moms, how do you do make time? What makes you stick-to-it? If you don't exercise now, maybe you'll join me in creating one new healthy habit. I'm sure together we'll feel a little better through these dreary winter days! 

P.S. I'll let you know how the 4:30 wake-up calls work out.....eek!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


My husband and I have moved three times in the last seven years. We were given a hard time at our first house by our new neighbors because of the amount of "stuff" we were unpacking into our two bedroom cape cod home. We had both packed up all the important memories with us from our parent's homes which was a collection from high school, childhood, and college....and wedding presents too.

When Aaron and I decided to move out of our neighborhood after a few short years, we loaded up not only our childhood, high school, and college items, but also all of our new homeowner  belongings. From rakes to lawnmowers, cleaning supplies to car maintance items, we left our cape cod with even more belongings. Whew, it was exhuasting to move! 

Today, my husband and I had a grand idea to clean out our basement for about the fourth time in four years.  The scattered boxes of college books and boxes filled with trinkets from childhood were all still there. I told my husband today that we have to be hoarders. Let me tell you this, I like to hold on to childhood memories but today I finally got rid of a dough shaped Ohio that I made when I was in third grade. Aaron, he is the collector of engineering books along with anything mechanical. Do you know how hard it was moving box after box of books to three homes? You can ask our familly members! So after seven years of being married we finally decided it's time to get rid of them. Why is that?

After pondering that question all day, I came to realize as we have gotten older that what is deemed as "important" to us has changed over time. With every trip down to the basement to clean up, I have chosen to part with what used to be important to me. Now, we are trying to decide where to stash loads of baby clothes instead of wondering where to put a random box of CD's and old journals.

I have a feeling five years from now, I will be sifting through more boxes and wondering why I ever kept boxes of this or that. I really think what we keep depends on where we are in our life. Do you have memories you're holding on to that are ones to be kept close to your heart and not in a box on a shelf? As much fun as it is to go through old things, I have to say the clean out we did today felt amazing. In a way these boxed up memories that were scattered all over the basement were keeping me from being a better version of me. I now have a space that is clutter free where I can retreat and work out on these cold winter days. Getting rid of things allows for me to make room for a healthy and happy me....are you holding on to physical memories that are keeping you from moving on emotionally or are keeping you from being a better you? 

As moms, we need to take care of ourselves. Including the emotional side of us. Keep aware of how you are doing. Check in and make sure you are taking care of all of our needs. Because, as we all know, we can only be our best for our families if we take care of ourselves-physically and emotionally. 

I hope you all have had a sweet Valentines Day with your family and friends! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

{Flash Back Friday: Three Years Later}

(If you read my running for healthy babies blog, this IS a different post)

I have a feeling today, February 13th, will always be a day I remember.  I can't help but remember a cold February day heading into my 24 week appointment with the Dr. after a day of school with my kindergartners. I remember saying good-bye to the last kid in line and heading out. I remember exactly what I was wearing that day. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times since I entered the hospital with the twins, ignorance is bliss.  The "flash back" post marks the change in our outlook on life and what life is really all about....

The morning before I knew I would be heading into the hospital.
24 Weeeks, hooked up to "Stan" my new companion

{Three Years ago today...(}

"I'm not sure where to start...There are so many things I have to say, people to thank, and things to share...I've started this blog because of teacher who suggested it may make it a little easier for me to communicate with everyone-great idea!! 

So we're all on the same page here is what has happened since Monday (2/13).

Monday I went for my regular checkup after school for the babies. The Dr. found I was dilated 1cm and she was concerned I may be having contractions as well.  So I drove my self to Good Sam where they admitted me and sure enough I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes.  They gave me an IV of Magnesium which slowed the contractions to every 5-8 minutes (still not great) and decided to up the dose to get them to slow even more.

Tuesday morning I had an ultrasound to check on the babies. They are great! They are healthy and VERY active. Landen weighs 1lb 13oz and Caroline weighs 1lb 12 oz. Their heart beats are monitored twice a day for 20 minutes.  The next part may be too much information but it's why I have to stay in the hospital. The Dr. measured my cervix length and they said it should be 20 mm but mine is 4.  With that, they said I have to stay in the hospital until they are born.

Wednesday the Dr. decided to continue my IV of Magnesium for another 48 hours. She was concerned with how long it took to calm my contractions and she would like to step down the dosage and see what happens.  Aaron and I were very happy with her proactive approach and are hoping the contractions will be under control and the babies and I will make it to 28 weeks or longer. Aside from fighting contractions, the Dr.'s are very happy with the development of the babies and with my overall health which is a really good thing!  

The Dr.s from NICU came down to talk to us and they explained what it would be like to have a baby at 25 weeks. They were so informative and positive! It's amazing what they can do these days! They told us that every day a baby stays in the womb is equal to three days in the NICU. So each day is really a big deal and every week is an even bigger deal. At this point if we were to have the babies, they would stay in the NICU potentially until their due date, June 2nd.  If we make it to 28 or 30 weeks, and they are healthy, they may stay in the NICU until 34-36 weeks- all of this depending on their health of course and how they are doing.  So reaching the 30 week mark is huge when it comes to how long they have to stay in the NICU. Regardless, they will be in the NICU for some time...I'm dealing with that emotional hurdle a little each day. 

Mental State of Mind. All of this could really make someone just loose it! I imagine as I sit here for the next several weeks I will have some good and bad days. But overall, I am very optimistic and positive.  I know God has his hands all over this...his timing for everything has been impeccable.  He got me to the hospital when I needed to be, I've got a team of Dr.'s and nurses who are INCREDIBLY sweet to me, and I have friends and Rockwern family who work here at the hospital.  The icing on the cake is I'm still in room by myself at this point. I'm on the waiting list for a private room and the nurses keep telling me I'll be moving soon. The nurse said they are usually busting at the seams but that it has been quiet and there is only one person in each double room right now....So I've totally lucked out on having a room to my self!!

With all of that said and my fabulous hospital food arriving, I have to end with a BIG thank you.  THANK YOU to EVERYONE who have been going ABOVE AND BEYOND to show how much you care.  I can't tell you how much it means to both Aaron and I. We feel the support and love and that alone keeps our spirits up-and that is a huge part in getting through all of this! 

Love and hugs to all of you! I have lots of free time so I'll post anything that comes up!! "

{Three Years Later}

I often wonder if it is odd that this experience is still close to my heart. Is it strange that I feel like I have a forever friendship with nurses and doctors that I spent time with?  In a way I have moved on from what was but can't help but think back to where we came from. How nerve-racking being in the hospital  should have been but we somehow managed to stay somewhat calm.  I think about all the people who came to visit me whether they really new me or not. Some past mom's who stayed in the same room would come to visit the nurses and one even popped in to say hello to me with her healthy and happy son. She, and her son, signed our special yellow duck and left a mark on my heart with deep gratitude and appreciation.  Wives of people Aaron work with sent me cards, brought me lunch, and sent me emails. Aaron's co-workers sent flowers that made all the nurses stop in because my room smelt so good which in turn filled my room with company and support. 

So is it strange those memories are still fresh after three years? Maybe so, but I have to say I live life being grateful  where as before I might have taken things for granted....Thank you for sharing in my walk down memory lane....

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

{I Cannot Tell A Lie}

Whether or not George Washington said, "I cannot tell a lie," I couldn't find it more fitting for this post with President's Day on the way. I'm finding my two-year-old twins have no filter or clue as to how to even lie. Yes, this is your warning to those who are around them!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

{We're Never Enough and Don't Have to Be}

I woke up this morning again on the couch. My daughter asleep on one end and my son roaming the dark trying to find his toys which were scattered throughout the house. After spending the night over at school for the 100th day, I had told my husband last night, "I'll just get everything in the morning." 

Upon sitting up on the couch in a little bit of a daze, I started noticing the "mess" I promised to tackle in the AM was still there. Dishes lined up all along the counter tops, my son's matchbox cars covering half of the kitchen and a living room that was a mix of laundry needing to be put away in the dirties, shoes that had been used for dress up, and lots of little pieces of colorful plastic toys that we will soon wonder "where did they go?" Waking up on the couch isn't ideal and looking at what feels like a giant task makes it worse. I carefully shuffled to the coffee maker trying to dodge the sharp toys in my path there and wondered how much longer these interrupted and sleepless nights are going to's been over a month now.

While the coffee brewed, I began filling the  requests of cheerios, raisins , and water and made it safely back to the carpet where I cleared a space to sit on the floor with my son.  With most of the mess behind my back I enjoyed my coffee and morning cuddles while trying to remind  myself this is what family is truly about. 

After having getting in my two cups of coffee and some yummy pancakes my husband made, I came across a fellow mommy blogger's post Titled: Moms, We Will Never Be Enough.  It couldn't have been written any better and if by chance you are feeling over whelmed by the household chores and to-do-lists we have made for ourselves on the weekend, please take a few minutes to read the post. I guarantee it'll leave you feeling a little bit better. Here is to an adjusted focus on our days as mommies with little ones! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

{For Moms-to-Be:Things to Consider Before Baby Arrives}

After a long night of tossing and turning and holding my son to get him to sleep, I can say I am actually 'awake' drinking some coffee from an adorable coffee mug I received this weekend from a baby shower I helped throw with some friends.  With the anticipation of our friend's new arrival, it got me thinking about what new moms aren't aware they need when arriving home from the hospital.  Let's face it, our spouses are wonderful people who will do anything for us, but who really wants to run out to the store when they could be holding their sweet new bundle of joy? Here are some things you'll want to have done before baby arrives! 

Personal Care Items for "Down There"
After giving birth to my twins, I was in for a rude awakening! Giant pads, granny panties, sprays, creams, and a squirt bottle! What the heck!  While the hospital will generously supply you with the spray, cream, and squirt bottle you want to make sure you have some comfy underware and thick pads (the ones you've looked at in the store and thought you would never need!) for when you come home. Save your spouse this trip to the store for these items-he will thank you! 

For a complete list of after-birth essentials click here.

Mommy Wear
Just because you're a mom now doesn't mean you have to dress like one! For the first weeks home you want to be ready for a nap or to open the door to your friends and family who are stopping by to drop off dinner and to meet your latest family member. Stock up on some nice sweats or yoga pants (I don't care if their in style still or not!) and some comfy tanks or tops that will work for nursing and make you feel comfortable and somewhat put together.  

Paper Supplies
I am all about being "green" but after coming home from the hospital with an adorable baby who wants to do the dishes? Wouldn't you rather spend your time gazing at you sweet little one while he/she naps?  Plus, you need to follow the rule of sleeping when baby does! Trust me!!

Water Bottle 
Stay hydrated! Breastfeeding or not, you just gave birth to a human being! You need your H2O to stay hydrated and help with the transition from being pregnant to not. Water does amazing things for your body, have a couple water bottles on hand so you can stay hydrated throughout the day and night! Dishwasher safe is always a plus! Check out reviews on the water bottles above.

Night Light
I am sure you've found an adorable night light for your little one's nursery but have you thought about how you and your spouse are going to make it to the nursery in a sleepy stupor ? Our local electric company sent us an energy efficient pack that included a night light like the one pictured above. No bulb to hassle with and comes on when it's dark. The sleek (no I'm not selling them!) design keeps them from hanging out in the hallway. 

When deciding to have a baby, you bought into one of the biggest industries that makes children happy and parents nuts! Batteries, you may not know what you'll need them for now, but trust me, you need a drawer or cupboard, like in our house, that is stocked with a variety of batteries. And don't waste your money, go ahead and buy the good batteries too, they really do last longer! 

Have an Understanding
Before baby arrives and hormones are flying, talk to your spouse about the upcoming chapter in your life. Things aren't going "back to normal" once your baby arrives, which can be difficult for your spouse and you.  Have an honest discussion about what one another is looking forward to, concerns you both have, the roles you'll now have with a baby around. Telling your spouse how they can be helpful at home with your new baby (before your hormones are all over the place) will help them adjust to their new role as a parent and you happy!  Read more on what to discuss before baby arrives!

Thank You Cards
I have been told I'm an old soul, but who doesn't like getting actual mail these days?! Have a stash of thank you cards on hand stamped and labeled with your return address.  You will have a lot of friends and family members thinking and doing a lot for you and your family. Who doesn't love to get a nice note in the mail from an awesome new mommy like you?!