Saturday, April 4, 2015

{The Peaks and Pits of Parenthood}

There is nothing like sleeping in....okay lets be honest. Sleeping in for us parents means 6:30 or 7:00 if we're lucky.  This morning getting to sleep in until 6:40 felt so amazing after a week of interrupted sleep.  The perfect storm arrived at our house early Tuesday morning. My son entered our room and came to the foot of our bed. As he climbed up the bed to my feet he announced his tummy hurt which was followed by last nights dinner all over my legs. 

 Unfortunately that event sent my husband running to the bathroom- he had gone to bed not feeling well. After getting sheets changed and my son back to bed we laid down for what felt a short time before my daughter started yelling, "Mommy I peed my bed!"  

Becoming a parent effects our lives as a whole. Every waking moment looks different, feels different, and is forever changed by these amazing little gifts we call our children.  Areas that were once uneventful, like waking up, become the headline for our day.  One thing parenthood has taught me is never stop expecting the unexpected.

Does that mean the unexpected events are always going to end up in exhaustion? Not always. Today my kids crawled into bed with me in the middle. I dozed back to sleep and shortly there after was awoken by them counting together in Hebrew. It was an amazing sound of growth and a demonstration of their love of learning-what every good teacher hopes to instill in their students. 

Reflecting on the highs and lows, or peaks and pits, of our days as parents is a way for us  to appreciate the parenting process and helps us to see what may even be the smallest milestone in not only our child's life but in ours.

I hope you will follow me in a new adventure...I want ALL parents to find  BLISS in their parenting experience. I want parents to just B Blissful. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be working hard to on rolling out my new website: where I'll continue to discuss the peaks and pits of parenting in all aspects of our parenting lives. I'm always looking for ways to collaborate...if you have a fun idea you would like to share you can email me at  


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